*esa pinche howdie* (L)(S)(V) profile picture

*esa pinche howdie* (L)(S)(V)

I am here for Dating, Friends and Networking

About Me

well my nombre es Heydi,but, i have Perla too! some people call me nessa or nina, or that one chick or that one 5o's girl or that greaser chick...call me what you want as long as i'm cool with it and it's approriate.haha!!i love makeup and gettin' dolled up. i also design/make my own things with the help of my grandmama,and sometime hope to have my own beauty salon and boutique. i love cars and pinups,arts and crafts, movies n music, i like you! my girls of LSV-K ,they mean alot to me dont mess with them o'/ im random and love it. im into mechanics and plan to make that a career, and have my own shop specializing in auto body and upholstry, obvuosly in classsic engines and new ones with new technology, i also adore fuckin makeup and hair, imma go to school for that too.i like tryin' new things, i'mma pretty chill gal and if we have things in common and you dun't think i'm weird to the exent where you dont wanna talk to me i really dont care cuz your opinions dont fuckin matter, then we'll get along fine!i love to rock, dance, and do anything creative, i'm down for almost anyhting,i drink occationally and smoke a lot. i love cleveland and canoga, ummm i love tuna! FOOD is the best thing in the world but you gotta know your limits! if you wanna have fun, lets pack a bowl! crack open a few,FEW beers and call it a party! -"YOU ARE THE RED ON MY LIPS"----famous quote by moi...-howdie IF YOU INHALE LIFE; AND YOU HOLD IN PLEASURE; THEN YOU WILL EXHALE GREATNESS... SAKALA MOTA!!SKANK IT UP WRECK IT UP BOP IT UP SWING IT UP JAZZ IT UP BITCH!.. GET UR MUTHA FUCKIN BITCHASS UP ON THAT DANCE FLOOR!!

My Interests

music/art/tattoo art/cosmetics/fashion of all eras, mostly of the early 20's through the late 50's/ food/friends/music/music/dance/swimming/music/art/tv/school/ movies/site seeing/traveling/nature/anime/photography/japonese culture/greek mythology/indie culture/chinese culture/just chillin'/Superman-"The Arctic Giant"
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I'd like to meet:

our creator,adolf hitler,stanley kubrick,fred astaire,lucille ball,cab calloway,billie holiday,salvador dali,and julius shulman, and the rest of those artists of life who we don't admire until after death.


rockabilly,jazz,country,blues,psychobilly,swing,synthpop,ele ctronica,skat,bebop,jumpblues,surf,mambo,cha.cha,house,tranc e,hillbilly,jive,bigband,opera,alt.rock,rockensepanol,classi cal,grunge,rockn'roll,somepunk,newwave,indierock,techno,rave music,reggae,western swing,and a bucnh of other cool suff jazz/swing/westernswing/country/bigband/skat/rockn'roll/alt. rock/opera/reggae/trance/techno/house/psychobilly/neo-billy/ anything that atrracts my ears


Godzilla - Blue Oyster Cult
Add to My Profile | More VideosALOT OF MOVIES!! old classics,some funny,drama,wartime,suspense,eery,terror,horror,idunno funny funny.2001:ASpaceOdyssey,Thelastsamurai,troy,shallwedance,ti mebandits,memoirsofageisha,sophiescholl,bandofbrothers,wewer esoldiers,blonde,corinacorinacorina,behindenemylines,thegood shepard,dejavu,thechronolesofnarnia,minorityreport,legend,st arwars(all)young frankenstein,atomage vampire,revolt of the zombies,bloodlust, sweeney todd the demon barbor of fleet street,dead men walk, the monster maker,the brain that wouldn't die,beast of yucca flats,can'tthinkofanymoreatthismoment breakfast club dance
Add to My Profile | More Videos Death Cab For Cutie - I Will Follow You Into The Dark
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Add to My Profile | More VideosLeave it to beaver
Add to My Profile | More Videosthewaltons,leaveittobeaver,ilovelucy,themunsters,simps ons,southpark,spongebob,historychannel,tvland,tcm,hallmarkch annel,latv,classicshowcase/music/ballet/opera/films/document ary,mystery!onkcet,twilightzone,spongebob, leave it to beaver,house,the munsters,history channel,classic arts showcase,spongebob,cow and chicken,rocko's modern life,pee wee herman,snapped,johnny bravo,i love lucy,yu-gi-oh,zoids,anime,theres more lemme thinkTROGDOR The Burninator
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red azalea,brave new world,brave new world revisited, a handmaid's tale,stargirl,crome yellow,behind nemy lines,to kill a mocking bird,edgar allan poe(all)MausI&II,you don't know me,poverty,the himmler ploy,the mystery at lilac inn,la poudre aux yeux,covenant with a vampire,the giver,treasury of great russian short stories,mein kampf,the little prince,what you should know about communism....and why,a tale of two cities,huckleberry finn,the mystery of the fiery eye,the tragedy of macbeth,stellar science fiction stories,einstein:the life and times Cab Calloway-Reefer Man
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"i remember when we used to sit in this goverment your in trenchtown observing the hypocrites mingle with the good people we meet good friends we have, oh, good friends we have lost along the way in this great future you cant forget your past" Bob Marley - No Woman No Cry
Add to My Profile | More Videosthose who have the power to speak to a crowd and seduce,(much like adolf hitler) , those who recall their mistakes and confesss them, those who work to to reach the love and happiness and peace in which they deserve and meet,those who respect the desicions of others, julius shulman for opening the doors to those who wanted to walk into them, and salvador dali for his surrealism that impacted the world to dream farther than it's recalled abscence.and che guevarra for his courage. and of course, bob marley.my girls♥julius shulman,adolf hitler,mao zedong,the japonese,and those who take the time in the world to speak to those who want to listen............Louis Armstrong - Pourquoi Amerique
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