well we started back in 98 as a chicano rap group called mariposa street lokos x3 with 4dub and brown boy and bonkers they made it pretty big and then brown boy went bankrupt and fell into a deep crack addiction so he left the band then 4dub and bonkers met RYU in the hollywood singing some ska for money and they saw his down ass quiff all sexy and shit with his shirt off and muscles glisening and shit and they fell in love with ska and his voice so they new they had to get him so they could start a band then ryu and russel and bonkers wrote a couple songs and would jam at russells then bruce willis moved down the street from russells and his son mel dakota fanning charleston jackman willis joey wilson the 3rd would listen to them and eventually gather up the courage to ask them to be his friend and then on a three day tweek binge mel and ryu agreed that mel should buy a bass and play for skasby so that nigga took a big pookie blast and bought a bass and learned how to play then while they were walking they saw a show were slipknot was playin and they noticed that the foos that play timbales were down ass fuk after the show they talked to one of them but he was gay cause his last name was owens and so we got the other one and thats how we got norm then when we played a show in back of a movie set we found out the little philipine kid from indiana jones was living there since he never went anywhere form that movie so we adopted his gay ass out dated spiky hair style ass self and gave him an all american name and thats how billy got into the band to play guitar and he had a friend that used to play and sell bud to manuchao but manu chao got to sprung and turned low key gay writing a song about him so bongo bong decided to play the zjembaway (its like a drum thign) and thats how we came to be
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