“One Nation Under Surveillance†was organized to draw attention to the collective struggle of people of South Asian descent who, although may diverge in culture, language, and religion, are all subject to the same unjust and unconstitutional policy and treatment in the United States. The ten Indian and Pakistani artists featured in this show hailing primarily from the Bay area, but also Los Angeles and New York, reveal the subtle and overt racism that has intensified against Muslims and those believed to be Muslim after 9/11, resulting in a sharp rise in hate crimes, forcing estrangement between families, and instilling fear among many South Asian store owners who have been targeted by the INS. Through photographs, painting, cartoons, paper collage, and mixed media, the artists portray a diverse community, whose people are often blanket stereotyped as the ‘model minority.’ The many portraits in the exhibit are the unheard stories; they seek to humanize the South Asian American individuals who are continually made faceless or deemed dangerous by the media.
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