Chad Worthington...the bro [Shocker is dead] profile picture

Chad Worthington...the bro [Shocker is dead]

I'd Rather be a Real Asshole, Than a Fake Friend

About Me

The Ministry of Truth States:
'War is Peace'
'Freedom is Slavery'
'Ignorance is Strength'
I live this life with ironic intent.
I am a pretentious jackass.
What sums me up in one phrase? Serial Killer.
[or Megalomaniac, and I WILL rule the world]
I am a musician for myself and therefore you will most likely never hear me play the guitar, ever.
I really like to hang out with people, drink while conversing and being incredibly polite while doing so.
(doesn't everyone?)
I study Martial Arts.
I play too many video games as a means to regression to an earlier time where things were simpler, get the hero to the princess, the princess falls in love with the hero by default, easy, cut, and dry.
I watch movies and listen to music
(just like everyone).
I disenjoy complication. I attempt to keep everything as simple as possible, simple answers, simple situations. Life is easier in that way and one can breeze through things with a greater ease, I wish everyone did such a thing.
I dislike being entirely alone for extended periods of time because then there is no one around to have adventures with and because I am in love with the sound of my own vain voice.
I have had a crazy life and adventurous life, so many strange things seem to happen to me
(and I intend to live through many more strange things).
I love to draw and make art that you will never see. I love to joke and act like a child, and sometimes go to public places just to confuse strangers
I am in love with the majestic art of strategy. When finally a plan comes to fruition that you have orchestrated it is like a symphony playing beautiful music, everything begins to dance only for the strategist and to me that is true power. If you strike at the right time, just one person can change the course of a river. To me it shows the flow a person's thoughts by a myriad of actions, and to me it is one of the most beautiful art forms that a person can create. You never really know someone until you've seen them enact a plan.
People have called me unique, in my eyes, i am completely normal. Which is to say that I am just as unique as everyone else.
I have a hard time understanding why some people seem to be too afraid to live a life that wasn't already written for them by television.
I tend to be easy to get along unless you are out to be fake and try to impress me, nobody is special enough to stop being yourself for.
(i will not compete with strangers, you will either come to me or you won't, and that's how I like it).
I think that there is a certain majesty in friendship, something that you simply cannot find in anything else out there in the universe.
i know too many useless things about too many unneeded subjects. If you're ever bored, i can usually come up with SOMETHING to talk about
(I wanted to be a history major until I realized that there are no jobs for history majors that don't involve teaching more history to people so that they can become history major's so that they may teach history to people who want to become history majors too...but I still love me some history).
I appreciate to death other cultures, which partly explains my hard-on for history.
I have a lot of stories and you will hear them if you get to know me
I enjoy travel, and plan to do much of the rest of it to far away lands to get every last drop of fun out of this life.
I want to learn japanese
I want to live in Japan and visit all of those places in asia that I thought I would never be able to see.
I plan to die on the moon, or in a swordfight and for some reason...I feel like I can make that happen somehow
....Damn, sometimes i even bore myself...
Albert Einstein says: "Intelligence is nothing without imagination"
"True words are never beautiful, and beautful words are never true"

My Interests

I'm up for just about anything...and ill try anything at least once, and i smoke, so fuck you. I didn't give up smoking for martial arts, and I am certainly not going to give it up for you

My Best Friend Dan
Apply To Join My Cuddle Harem
The Greatest Asshole I Know of.
Someone I Wish I Could Be As Cool As (suprise ending)

I'd like to meet:

who i would like to meet:

A cute girl,
who can beat me at chess.


people who are not afraid to live

My hand in marriage will one day be determined by the outcome of a chess match, if you can beat me at it and show me just how beautiful your mind can be, I will gladly marry you.


.. gohanEriku
yahoo: gohanEriku
MSN: [email protected]
:add me if you are up to the challenge of getting to know me

Past IM conversations:

GEEKY nicoLe: now the entire female myspace population has a grudge against me.
gohanEriku: hahaha
gohanEriku: you'll be fine
GEEKY nicoLe: they're jealous that i get to marry the fricken coolest geek around
gohanEriku: im sure not ALL the girls on my list have a crush on me
gohanEriku: hahaha
GEEKY nicoLe: hahahha
GEEKY nicoLe: youre right.
GEEKY nicoLe: i'm sure the LESBIANS don't

Cinnalynn18: sex is such a icky word
Cinnalynn18: One of them words i dont like i guess
gohanEriku: i see
gohanEriku: well
gohanEriku: what about "railing"?
gohanEriku: its a skating term
Cinnalynn18: haha

"The complex mechanisms of the modern world depend as certainly on the faith in money as the structures of the medieval world depended upon faith in God."

"the pieces of green paper have value because everybody thinks they have value." ~Milton Friedman (Nobel-Prize Winning Economist)

"If the American people ever allow the banks to control issuance of their currency, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers occupied."(ThomasJefferson)

The universe is shaped exactly like the earth, if you go straight for long enough you'll end up where you were.

Where to seek the temple of the noble Premier?
In the deep pine forest beside the City of Silk,
Where the green grass of spring cover the steps,
And songbirds chirp happily between the leaves.
Triple summons weighted by affairs of the State
To two generations he served with his true heart,
To die before completing a lifetime of achievement,
Always have heroes weep on their fleece ever since

In science it often happens that scientists say, 'You know that's a really good argument; my position is mistaken,' and then they would actually change their minds and you never hear that old view from them again. They really do it. It doesn't happen as often as it should, because scientists are human and change is sometimes painful. But it happens every day. I cannot recall the last time someting like that happened in politics or religion.
~Carl Sagan


I like a lot of different music.
So does everyone.
Here are some examples:

Across Five Aprils
Alice Cooper
Arcade Fire
Authority Zero
Ben Fold's Five
Blind Melon
Bloodhound Gang
Bob Dylan
Bright Eyes
Counting Crows
Daft Punk
Danny Elfman
Daphne Loves Derby
Dashboard Confessional
Dave Matthews
David Bowie
Death Cab for Cutie
Diana Krall
Dinosaur Jr.
(Mostly the early work and B sides)
Dynamite Hack
Early November
Elliot Smith
Elton John
Elvis Costello
Eric Clapton
Flogging Molly
Foo Fighters
Frank Sinatra
From Autumn to Ashes
From First to Last
Funeral for a Friend
Further Seems Forever
Gary Glitter
Gary Jules
Guns n Roses
Horse the Band
Iggy Pop
IMA Robot
Jack off Jill
Jefferson Airplane
Jimi Hendrix
Johnny Cash
Kay's Choice
Kenny Rodgers
Kimya Dawson
Left Rights
Local H
Lou Reed
Mad at Gravity
Marilyn Manson
Marc Bolen & T Rex
Mars Volta
Me First and the Gimme Gimmes
Mindless Self Indulgence
Minus the Bear
Modest Mouse
Moldy Peaches
Nancy Sinatra
Neutral Milk Hotel
New York Dolls
NIN Inch Nails
No Doubt
Opiate for the Masses
Orchestra (lots of it)
Pearl Jam
Perfect Circle
Pink Floyd
Red Hot Chilli Peppers
Rolling Stones
Scary Kids Scaring Kids
Sleeter Kinney
Smashing Pumpkins
Social Distortion
Something Corporate
Stone Temple Pilots
Straylight Run
System of a Down
The Ataris
The Doors
The Dresden Dolls
The Eagles
The Format
The Get Up Kids
The Ramones
The Shins
The Stooges
The Velvet Underground
The White Stripes
Third Eye Blind
Violent Femmes

I like more than this probably.
I forgot to mention a few, my sincerest apologies.


I love great movies, some titles are as follows
(Disclaimer: not all movies on this list gauranteed to be 'great'),
Fight Club
A Clockwork Orange
Requiem For a Dream
Resivoir Dogs
Killing Zoe
Rocky Horror Picture Show
Army of Darkness
Lord of the Rings
Star Wars
American History X
True Romance
Chasing Amy
Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back
The Last Temptation of Christ
Suicide Kings
Pulp Fiction
2001: A Space Oddesey
Hedwig and the Angry Inch
SLC Punk
Rules of Attraction
Donnie Darko
Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels
G.I. Joe the Movie
Transformers: The Movie
Enter The Dragon
Mullholland Drive
The Warriors
Napolean Dynamite
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 1 & 2
The Last Samurai
Close Encounters of the Third Kind
What About Bob
Clerks 2
The Shining
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
Lost Highway
Monty Python (pick one, therye all great)
Fahrenheight 451 (classic)
Old Vince Vaughn Movies(before he was famous, when he was in like a billion movies with John Favrough sp?)
The Dark Crystal
Super-Size Me
Tank Girl
Coffee and Cigarettes
Party Monster
The Notebook
Velvet Goldmine
Mean Girls
Butterfly Effect
Shallow Grave
Grandma's Boy
Trans America
the 40 year old Virgin
Saw (both of them)
Good Will Hunting
And a lot more...


I don't watch television often, but when I watch it, I will see;

Anything on Adult Swim (except Tom Goes to the Mayor, fuck that show)
and I LOVE Robot Chicken,
the History and Discovery Channels,
including NOVA,
shows that involve crimes and solving them,
Family Guy,
the Simpsons,
and Futurama,
and shows that teach me about just wierd random things.

Basically, I like to watch mostly humorous and educational programming.


There are only a few books that I feel the need to mention,

House of Leaves
(Mark Danielewski),
The Art of war
(Sun Tzu),
Mastering the Art of War
(Zhuge Liang),
Karate-do: My Way of Life
(funakoshi gichin),
The Tao of Jeet Kune Do
(Bruce Lee),
The Prince
Animal Farm
Fight Club,
(George Orwell)
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (series)
New World Order
The Giver
Brave New World

If you disagree with any of my choices, I have news for you... I don't really give a shit. Most of you don't read books anyways.


A Hero to me is anyone who has had a profound impact on my life so this list will be long, but meaningful...
Clarissa (she explained it all)
Brad Pitt,
Bruce Lee,
Gichin Funakoshi,
Henry David Thoreau
Thomas Jefferson
Ben Franklin
Alexander the Great
Albert Einstein
"Intelligence is nothing without imagination."
Starscream & Cobra Commander (as voiced by Chris Latte),
Lao Tsu,
Siddhartha Guattama,
Joseph Frato,
Daniel J. Wichlacz,
Kenneth Groover,
Andrew Caulk,
Justin Lewis,
Judith Redell,
Jessa Starr
Jonny Noir
Dave Elyea,
Marianna Hentkowski,
Albert Einstein
Jon Brosnan,
Erik Wold,
Chad Avalon,
Gary the Hillbilly,
The Marquee De Sade,
Liu Bei,
Zhuge Liang,
David Bowie
Autumn Sage,
Rhiannon Main (my BFF)
Angela MacArthur,
David Badgerow,
Charles Lahaie,
Haley Travis,
Jay Cock
Jessa Starr
Rob Brimmacombe,
Arin Roberts,
Steve Noble,
My Mother, (it's so cliche, but its so true)
Jay Anderson, (my stepfather, but he raised me as his own)
Thommecina Jeaniana Kady (i can't spell)
(snake-eyes uses uzis, and therefore cheats)
...and anyone else who has inspired of helped me along the way...
....and remember, I thank you ALL...
I study Japanese, and have recently made my own name (accurately) in kanji, for those of you who can read nihongo
(nihongo/nihonjin daisuki!)

My Blog

Wooo! New Times Article on Shock Rock Cock!

Shock*Rock*Cock Thursday just keeps getting better By Benjamin Leatherman  Published: May 31, 2007 Erik Shocker and his pals will rock you on Thursdays at the Rogue East. Subject(s): Shock...
Posted by Erik Shocker. [ninja] on Thu, 31 May 2007 12:13:00 PST

All Is Not Lost

I'm changing lately. I've been on a quest to get back in touch with myself and I believe it may be working. Poison has been leaving my mind and body and it has been a slow process. Going out and havin...
Posted by Erik Shocker. [ninja] on Sun, 20 May 2007 05:31:00 PST

Dear Athiests, Burn in Hell. Love, America.

a recent article I came across. I'm not screaming oppression, as you all probably know I am neither agnostic or athiest, I have religion. However, I was an athiest for quite some time and found t...
Posted by Erik Shocker. [ninja] on Wed, 09 May 2007 07:10:00 PST

A Very Informative Website

You might not agree with what the police are saying, but at the very least you should listen to their arguments as they are experts and the propaganda that we hear i comes only from people seeking soc...
Posted by Erik Shocker. [ninja] on Tue, 24 Apr 2007 10:40:00 PST

Without Seeking Acclaim

I had recently lost my way for a while, but I'm returning to the source. What is the good of balance without becoming unbalanced for a while anyways. With that I give you a small part of wisdom passed...
Posted by Erik Shocker. [ninja] on Fri, 20 Apr 2007 04:38:00 PST

Letter From Jessa Vane

I will now take a moment to confess my true and undying love for that of Erik Shocker. This Man >I really don't think I need to explain why,if you know him, but for those who do not know him...well I ...
Posted by Erik Shocker. [ninja] on Thu, 29 Mar 2007 11:53:00 PST

Statement of Purpose

A life worth living is the only thing I strive to achieve.I live for experiences, not gains. This is because ALL experience isgain.Those who are too afraid to live their own lives are the fools weighi...
Posted by Erik Shocker. [ninja] on Sat, 10 Mar 2007 07:34:00 PST

My Whole Life, is Like a Picture of a Sunny Day.

I'm really happy lately. Very much at peace. Not one single thing causing an overabundence of happiness, nor sadness. I feel quite balanced. all is well. thanks,Eric...
Posted by Erik Shocker. [ninja] on Wed, 11 Oct 2006 06:59:00 PST


I haven't significantly touched anyone's life in months. I do what I do so that I may liberate people from the confines they don't know they have. I have not made any new people free in a long time. I...
Posted by Erik Shocker. [ninja] on Sun, 13 Aug 2006 01:51:00 PST

If You Like Darth Vader...

Yeah, I'm a huge fan and this is comedic gold... thanks,Eric...
Posted by Erik Shocker. [ninja] on Sun, 16 Jul 2006 02:18:00 PST