!Deeda! profile picture


♥I freakin love Kaci♥

About Me

My name is Deidra! Im a blonde....Im not stupid....but Im blonde. I have really really good friends who would do anything for me! One of them is Kaci! God i love that girl....she is hilarious! Mariah is the next one.....she is sooooo freakin funny also....I love her....there are so many to even say so I'll stop there! Im fun, outgoing, lovable, and LOUD more then anything!

My Interests

I play on the Freshmen Volleyball team....I like to do softball....but I love hanging out with my friends...and other people. Im very social!

I'd like to meet:



I pretty much like everything! Like country, rap, poop, punk, like I said pretty much everything! My favorite song is Smokescreen but Flying Bird.!


I love watching movies....I seriously like every movie. Like I'll go with people to see a movie and everybody will hate it except me. I cant think of one movie that I dont like. My favorite movie would have to be......The Longest Yard... "He's so fast he makes fast people seem...... not fast" HAHA!


I watch t.v none stop! I love the O.C of course....I mean who doesn't! And Laguna Beach!! DUH!


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My friends and family DEFINETLY!