SHEEEEEEEEEEEENA profile picture



About Me

Myspace For Girls Only -
You are Janice.You dig the groove man, nothing can bum you out. Too bad you're too stoned to notice.INSTRUMENT:Like, you know, guitar, fer sure. LAST BOOK READ:"Finding Your Past Lives on the Web" FAVORITE EXPRESSION:"Fer sure, like, fer sure." FAVORITE THINGS:Peace, love and, like, granola, totally. NEVER LEAVES HOME WITHOUT:Her inner child.
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My Interests

Theatre and design, playing with props, music, singing, dancing, wearing heels that are too high to walk home in, big hair, jumping in piles of leaves and playng dressup...LAUGHING AT MYSELF!....

I'd like to meet:

Superheroes and the homeless


Is it good with clever lyrics? Good, then I'll listen. .. ..


Anything John Waters or silly... With fun costumes. .. width="425" height="350" ..


Give me ZIM or give me death!....Or Muppets, Fraggles, trailer Park boys, kenny vs spenny or anything with puppets... I just fell in lurve with Wondershowzen.
Your Boobies' Names Are...
Kermit and Miss Piggy Boobie Name Generator


Um... lots of plays lately - but Oscar Wilde is generally my absolute favourite. I do love the Greek theatre, Irvine Welsh, Tolkein... Lotsa stuff.


Mummy & Daddy, Wardrobe warriors, Stagemanagers and Technicians (in general- but specifically the lovely ones at SKOOL), Frank Gehry, Andy Warhol, Adolphe Appia, John Waters, June Carter, Johnny Cash, Bowie, Iggy and Lou, Barabarella, 1960s cartoon Spiderman ( I wanna trip on Spidey sense, too!), my professors at skool, a cerain Raygun Cowboy & Mrs Entity....Your results:
You are Spider-Man Spider-Man 95% Superman 90% Wonder Woman 90% Supergirl 80% The Flash 80% Green Lantern 80% Robin 75% Hulk 70% Iron Man 70% Catwoman 60% Batman 45% You are intelligent, witty,
a bit geeky and have great
power and responsibility.
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My Blog

Friday Nite with Lee Rocker and the Rayguns

Posted by SHEEEEEEEEEEEENA on Wed, 28 Mar 2007 06:26:00 PST