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♠ David James Kennedy was born July 8, 1976
♠ He is one of the guitarists in the rock band, Angles and Airwaves.
♠ Fellow band members include Tom DeLonge, Atom Willard & Matt Watcher.
♠ David is 6'6 and sports a full shirt of tattoos, covering his back, front, and arms.
♠ He is one of three children and grew up going to high school with fellow band mate Tom DeLonge in Poway, California.
♠ David took up professional Ping-Pong during his free time at Whispers Studio while working on IEmpire.
♠.He owns a French Bulldog named Zissou.
♠ Previous bands include Built to Last, Hazen Street, Over My Dead Body and Boxcar Racer.
♠ Over My Dead Body:No Runner (2001)
Rusty Medals and Broken Badges (2001)
Sink or Swim (2003)
Death Threat (2003)
♠ Boxcar Racer:Boxcar Racer (2003)
♠ Hazen Street:Hazen Street (2004)
Past Q&A's:
* David was actually not born in any of the states listed! He was born in Wisconsin. Trick Question (that we didn't catch here at TK until later!)
* David has been married previously, a fact you can catch in his thank you's on Hazen Street's self titled album.
* David's first instrument was the violin, which he took up at the age of five.
David's Macbeth Sport of Life. David answering fan questions David's Valentine wishes for everyone!