DANIEL ROCKS YOUR SOCKS! profile picture


When there is a will and 2 ppl teaming together THERE will be a way to bring down a system

About Me

I LOVE RACING! underground racing that is. yes yes.. as you might..ve known already, i am indeed a stripper. i even have my own strippers pole! crazy huh!?!?! haha. And finally, yes, i am single.. soo all the hot girls out there.. wink wink you know what this means. i mean its not like i can get any girls anywaysI am 18 years old, am azn, grduated slz high C/O '05', ez going and wut my friends tell me care free about stressfull situation. i like to go out and have fun with my friends. i usualy go to tap x, or q-cup so u can probly find me there hahaha. my dream job is to own my own busniess someday and be very sucesfull and buy alot neat things (HA! like that..ll be true)=)

My Interests

sleeping, reading (lies), hanging out with friends, driving, racing, watch t.v, anything new and exciting, do something adventourous (typical how either one can't spell for crap) etc... anything that will keep my mind off time

I'd like to meet:

i'd like to meet any old friends that i lost contact with and new ppl dat arnt fake and poser's and especially who ever is reading this. he meant he..d love to meet anyone who reads this in a bikini. *wink wink*


anything with a good beat?


Basically anything with racing and hot girls. yes yes.. i am easy to satisfy. =) Fast and the Furious1, 2, Last Samuri, I-Robot, Minority Report, Star Ways 1-6, any George Lucas films, or steven spelburg (if i spelt it right) flims. (can't spell films right either)


Simpons (can't spell that one right? shame), Family Guy, Mtv, history channel, discovery channel, TLC channel, King of the Hill


Me don..t read. yes yes i am quite illiterate. Me? books? don..t go together ever. That..s why i am soooo stupid. =P


My heroes include: mommy, daddy, sis, lily, livi, and um.. i guess you.?.. no not really. you..re not cool enough. hehes.

My Blog


Why hello everyone! how nice of you to read this blog.LILY CHEN AND OLIVIA TANG IS THE COOLEST!  =PDaniel hope you enjoy my blog! hehehes SUCKA!...
Posted by DANIEL ROCKS YOUR SOCKS! on Fri, 29 Dec 2006 03:47:00 PST

cant put my finger on it....

man there are something in life u cant put ur finger on....like this timeme, trung and chris when we get lost or go crusing with mike we somehow always end up trsuting him where to turn and when he gi...
Posted by DANIEL ROCKS YOUR SOCKS! on Thu, 11 May 2006 12:23:00 PST

My Accident

Under Constructions...
Posted by DANIEL ROCKS YOUR SOCKS! on Tue, 28 Feb 2006 11:02:00 PST