jeff miller profile picture

jeff miller

[Heterotopias] are sites that have a general relation of direct or inverted analogy with the real sp

About Me

I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V4.4 (

My Interests

We begin our lives as individuals...POOPing.Yet, we die as products of homogenization...

I'd like to meet:

MY tongUe:

Myspace layouts


Repetition is pivotal in creating a cohesive societal structure...

blog layouts


If I read will I become smarter than you? If you don't read will you become dumber than me? Deconstruct io n ist f r agme ntat io n.W E exi st asFragmen ts of ours el ve sDo w e li ve h a pp ily a s civil units?


MySpace Layouts

A con stan t an d poignant fea r of los i n g au ton o my.I am diving for a taste, a real taste of succulent reality, binary in its production and a priori in its essence of being. A Cartesian problem of duality once again: The naughty monkey sits and ponders the goal of his disgusting situation. He decides that his placement within the concentric sphere of cultural norms is wrong. What is that taste? Is it the taste of the human mind being crushed into plagiarism? In that we are products of a society built upon binary duality does that not make us Xerox sheets of the opposition? Are we not plagiarists in that we are entities of focused intellectual reproduction, sheets of carbon disposed of by the modern university? Culture is either/or: black or white; sacred and profane. A. Taste. Of. Sexuality. Is. Binary in that only one side of the sense perception, in which two individuals have allowed themselves to become entities together entangled within, may be experienced at once, and from one angle. The monkey ponders. He decides that finding an equidistant locus between the essence of the soul and the essence of the body is superfluous to any real goal in life, such as sex; humping and fucking and screwing and licking. The monkey decides that, perhaps, it would be a good idea to make a cup of delicious noodles. He will eat the noodles, and in doing so he will satisfy the consumerism that burns within him. He loves the packages, the pictures, the symbols. The monkey decides that today he will ignore his studies and he will journey to the Mecca of consumerism and will procure for himself a new hat; a hat with other monkeys on it. Then the monkey will ponder: Why would anyone stare at a computer screen and read senseless bullshit such as this? Stop-it, the monkey gods say, stop now.

My Blog


Did you know that squirrels make weirdnoises?  It's Sort of like "kkkkhhhhwiiiiittssss," yes and very repetitious "kkkkhhhhwiiiiittssss" "kkkkhhhiittssss" and once again: "kkkkhhhhwiiiiitts...
Posted by jeff miller on Wed, 04 Oct 2006 02:34:00 PST