I do graphics, video editing and music in varying combinations depending on the way the wind is blowing.
I'm married to Sally who's a Goth in the old school sense, very long dark hair and a cool taste in corsets and big skirts. We are both into music, probably as much now as we've always been, but different tastes, which is inevitable, I guess.
Part II of Contraband Candy's Wacken Assault 2008 is now complete and can be viewed below. We had a great time over at Wacken and are definitely planning a return. In Part II we interview Watain who were about to head off for America, Metalcore maestros Unearth on the eve of their new album, legendary Swedish producer/performer Peter Tägtgren, the head of A&R at Century Media, plus Evocation, Aussie comic Steve Hughes and compatriot Luke of The Berzerker! Check it out below or head off to the Contraband Candy site to see everything we've done so far in our first year of operation!
I do quite a lot of video editing for brand and entertainment property marketing projects, because I have a 'music video style' which works well with that sort of thing. These actually pay me money, unlike the real music videos, which are just for fun I s'pose. Until someone is prepared to get me to do one with a budget rather than a smile.
My latest venture is a little project called "Contraband Candy" which I'm doing with Rockworld TV presenter René Ackermann. This is going to involve some innovative and energetic hook-ups with some of the coolest Xmetal bands around today and making them tell us what we want to know! Wanna come along 4 the ride? Make sure you are our friend then! Go add yrself!
On February 12th 2008 we officially launched the Contraband Candy website at www.contrabandcandy.com Here you can get to see all our great video interviews with the stars of Xtreme Metal, past and present. Better quality, bigger size, embed-able code. Just a whole lot better viewing experience all round, we think! It's all available on our YouTube site as well, but the quality isn't quite as good and everything has to split into 10 minute segments, which is, well, a bit crap, isn't it?