i fuckin love hardcore, oh god. Hardcore/Breakcore/IDM is what i spin so i fuckin love real heavy hard hitting bass
this is serious stuff people, try and watch the whole thing and not lose patience
Guitar player and everything that goes with it... Work hard play harder. Do as thou wilt. Lots of crazy influences that range from genghis khan, corey taylor, Hunter s.(dr.Gonzo) to Alistar Crowley. lots of fun. wicked happiness it has alot of meaning and only i know what it means or what is. its something i have something given to me by the highest power, me. i gave myself wickedness to my self and when there was no hope i got happiness when i had none. wicked happiness is my tattoos. atleast my first two. i have 9 now and plan for many more.also i like to work and like to play. ive had my shit to go threw and now all thats gone im alive and living real fuckin well. i could alway use more money to get rid of some debts. by the way my main priority right now.jokes is jokes son but hate is hate if u have it for me then fuck you."Whoever appeals to the law against his fellow man is either a fool or a coward, whoever cannot take care of himself without that law is both, for a wounded man shall say to his assailent if i live i will kill you, if i die you are forgiven such is the rule of honor" OMERTAIf you are the one you will know the second i rip your still beating heart from your chest, i hate everything youve ever done to me and am ready for your awakeningA GREAT MAN PROBLY THE GREATEST MAN TO EVER LIVE SAID TO ME IF ANYTHING IS WORTH DOING IT IS WORTH DOING RIGHT, SO DO IT FULLY!!!!
Area 2 -
MF Parm
Hosted By:
When: Friday May 16, 2008
at 10:00 PM
Where: The Skool House
Entrance between 5700/5800 Block of Park Ave.
Philadelphia, PA 19141
United States
Click Here To Save OUR Venue...UNICRON-I'VE COME TO KICK ASShttp://www.badongo.com/file/8858778..
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Hosted By: UNI CRON
When: Friday Aug 15, 2008
at 7:00 PM
Where: Wall Property
Treadwell, New York
Party Is In NEW YORK, New Jersey|31 08502
United States
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Angerfist Slipknot Cannibal Corpse Dying Fetus Tool Sepultura Soulfly Neophyte Buzz Fuzz The Viper Starscream Korsakoff Catscan Showtek Tatanka Erik T JDA Dj Hype AK1200
The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly( and every other clint eastwood movie). any movie that goes along the traditional chainsaw massacresq theme. you know group takes short cut stops for gas asks directions and gets killed in hte most brutal way. makes a good film
Stole this from a friends page.........
Ron Hextall, Rob Flynn, Corey Taylor, Mick Thompson, James Hetfield, Cliff Burton, Mark Hunter, Matt Devries, Kevin Taley(biggest asshole ever but he is the best drummer ever and for that he is a hero of mine), Frank Gavin Sr., Adam D., Eric Dejardanis, Dallas Coyle(Best Intensity at a show ever), Chris Barnes, George Fischer, Andols hedrick, Dave Mustaine, Clint Eastwood