For the most part I'm a workaholic but when I'm not working I love the beach, reading, cooking, and kicking back with friends. I can't stand boredom so I never sit still, I'm always doing something. Being from a small town I've learned that just about anything can be fun as long as you're spending time with interesting people.
People who have strong opinions, know who they are, and have goals for themselves.
I love music and I listen to anything and everything it depends on my mood. I swear I probably have the weirdest music range of anyone you will meet, for me it tends to be more about a song than an artist. I love everything from jazz and country to rock and rap.
I love movies and I'll watch anything as long as you'll let me critic it when it's over. For me a movie is only good if its well-written, not predictable, and the characters are well developed.
My guilty pleasure is reality tv, I know a lot of it is awful but I just can't help it.
I love reading but with classes I never have the time. But I'm always looking for something new and interesting to read so leave suggestions.
I really admire people who are selfless and live life with conviction. This includes both of my parents. My dad's a firefighter so I have a lot of respect for anyone who puts their life on the line to do good things for others. And my mom is the most selfless person I know, if I'm half the person she is I'll be amazing. It also includes the men and women of the armed services, I have a profound respect and appreciation for the job they do.