Jon Macizzle profile picture

Jon Macizzle

i like bunnis

About Me

I love God - that should be the first defining point about me. I love food, but i love sharing too... and i love friends... but if you put this all together, i love God loving friends who share food~
let me entertain you (or annoy you), it's innevitable. i go to school at CSULB where it's almost scary, because they expect you to act like a grown up, and most of the time i show up to class late w/ pajamas on, plus i drive all the way from la casa to escuela.
i am an active member of the Heart of Jesus youth group in Glendale, it's a catholic charismatic group, and they teach me all cool stuff like how to not yell so hard at people... and how to overall be nicer to each other =D. And on our off days we go to each others houses and unleash our yelling nature during a game of smash bro's and halo.
by day fulltime performer at picture people in glendale, home to the finest balloon sculpting in the world--of the glendale galleria, and we occasionally take pictures too.
by night--yup, spiderman, thats me
pikachu, make me a samwhich *pika pika
SN: jonneededanewsn

My Interests

GOD, driving, time to myself, nature walks, the beach, walks on the beach, reading a good book, late night phone calls, text messages, computer games, video games, television, singing, DANCING, road trips, SLEEPING, EATING, making new friends, DANCING, GOD, Pilgrimages

Daily Mass, Adoration, Confession, Charismarians

I'd like to meet:

i would like to meet you, whatever you do... if you're a singer (wow ill be so jealous) a dancer (wow ill be so jealous) or if you love God more than anything in the world (wow ill be so jealous)... or if you're just a normal person (wow ill still be so jealous).

and i'll fall in love with a girl who's poetic...
and loves God
and smiles a lot...
and cries for her friends...

its a plus if she listens to slow jams on rainy days too...

Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be praised - Proverbs 31:30


i like EVERYTHING; Jon = Eclectic
+Praise & Worship
+ Franki
+Hip Hop
+Some Rap
+Relient K
+Classical piano
+Linkin Park
+Missy Elliot
+Method Man & Redman
+Tagalog Songs
+Korean stuff
+Some Sum 41
+Fallout Boy
+The Killers
+Boyz 2 Men
+some Backstreet
+Alanis Morrisette
+Phantom Planet (the song from the OC)
+Trance & Techno
+Old School


+The Passion
+Wayne's World
+The 5th Element
+Notting Hill
+(Julia Roberts in General)
+(Hugh Grant in General)
+Lord of the Rings Series
+50 first dates
+the Wedding Singer
+(Adam Sandler in General)
+Moulin Rouge


Hold on


Bible; it's a new adventure type story like i've never imagined


God is my number one hero always and forever

anyone that deny's themself
and dies to the world...