Alessia: Bess-atron [B.H.C] profile picture

Alessia: Bess-atron [B.H.C]

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Keep your eyes open on this spot for up-coming events in Melbourne:
For all your Alternative Club needs... head to these places!!!
NEXT @ Colonial Hotel (cnr. King & Lonsdale St's) Thursday Nights, 9pm till late.
Drink specials all night: $2.50 VB Pots, $3.00 VB Stubbies, $4.00 Bourbon/Vodka.
BANG! @ Royal Melbourne Hotel 629 Bourke St. (near King St), Saturday Nights, 9pm till late.
Drink specials all night: $3.00 Pots, $4.50 VB Cans, $4.50 Bourbon/Vodka.
NEXT - $8 Entry with host name: "Bess"... $10 without host name
BANG & PLASTIC - $10 Entry with host name: "Bess"... $12 without host name (Plastic subject to change)
DOO ITT!... Rad music, rad people, rad drink prices... Rad times. See you on the dance floor! ;)
Plastic is held at either Bang or Next (or both) on most Public holiday EVE's... watch this space for details:
My Heros/Top Friends List:
These are the people who I admire, who make my days brighter, who know how to party, who I have a good time with, who make me laugh, who make me smile, who I respect, who I have time for, who i get up for in the morning, who are always by my side, who listen to what I have to say, who get who I am, who enjoy my company… they are my heros, they are my friends, they are my life… mess with them, and suffer the consequences!… I love you all dearly.
= Aaanthony= Abbey= Adrian= Aldo (bro)= Alex= Amy= Andrew= Andy= Ben. D= Ben. M= Bosma= Brad= Brendan= Brett= Carli= Carly= Cate= Cutler= Daz= Emily= Goosey=Hayman Family= Ivana= Jaclyn= Jen= Jes= Jess= Jimmy D= Karen= Kate= Katie= Kezza= Kristy= Lauren= Lea (Sis)= Marcus (Bro)= Mez=Michael= Micki = Nat= Percy= Pip= Sally= Sloshy= Team Rock n' Roll! = Teery= Tyler= Vilija= Will
not to mention these cool cats...
I can't fit EVERYONE, but I love you all (you know who you are)... you are all my heros and all contribute to my happiness... cheers beautiful people!
Check out my blogs for more photos and random crap.

My Interests

stuff thats interesting... :)


    Jes: "hi my name is princess spankle legs. my most favourite animal of all time is the bumble bee.. it is not very mighty but can be deadly if its stinger gets you in the oesophagus bees have been producing honey as they do today for at least 100 million years since the Cretaceous period. Other animals i fancy include ponies and unicorns."
    Christo: " I am Bess... I rule on the house is party central... My family and I love to drink and we debate world issues such as "Do I use my phone too much?" yes that is a world issue."
    Leon: "i am as awesome as video games and im working hard to make a living with blue denim in my veins. I have eyes nose and mouth all held together on a face and you can find similar features by looking in the mirror, reflective windows or at other people"


    I ♥ TYLER WORTH! hahaha... yep. it's true. (told you id put it there!) :-P xlovesostrongx
    Im Alessia. They call me Bess: I have a million nick names, Bess, Bubble , Bessie, Bessie Boo, Boo, Less, Boo Boo Head, Boobs, Lessie, Ace, A, B, Ale... just to name a few.
    Currently studying Music Business @ NMIT Fairfield. Any contacts i can gather and have gathered are a great help! Thank you.
    Things i love the most in the world are;
    - family
    - friends
    - music
    - movies
    - comedy
    I have a Husband AND a Wife. They make me smile.
    Half Italian, half Irish, living in Australia; you can imagine the alco ive turned out to be.
    I'm obsessed with the Musical RENT... as much as i love the movie, nothing beats the stage production.
    I hate hearing people chew loudly.
    I find it odd when you become aware of your breathing.
    I burp, i spit... get over it.
    Alcohol is better out of the bottle.
    Goon. Passion Pop. Beer. Bourbon and Coke... im all about the cheap liquor.
    I LOVE ♥Musical Theatre♥
    I LOVE ♥Comedy♥. Anything to do with comedy. Especially the International Comedy Festival Season. Best time of year (better than Christmas)
    I love eating Chinese food with Chop Sticks.
    Pizza is a very touchy subject for me. Ask me about it some time.
    My favourite foods are cheese and chicken... but i dont do Chicken Parma's... go figure?
    If chicken was a vegetable, I could be a Vegetarian
    V is better for drinking, Red Bull is better with alcohol.
    Website's that use Comic Sans look unprofessoinal and i cant take them seriously.
    Despite my love for comedy. I dont like Jim Carey.
    Team Party
    You'll find me at these places: The Clap!(R.I.P), NEXT, Panic!, BANG!, Bootleg (R.I.P), Click Click, The Arthouse, Corner Hotel, The Espy, The Rochester, Ding Dong, Pony, Cherry Bar, Pint on Punt, The Tote, the Laundry... and others of the type.
    Lived in Italy ( Bracciano ) for a year
    Lived in Bendigo for about 6 months
    Worked on Hayman Island for 5 months, from Nov 2003-April 2004 doing housekeeping
    We have heaps of parties at my joint... something to do with my family being party animals.
    I love photos, my room is plastered in them.
    **Did u know KFC meals are more expensive in Queensland than they are in Melbourne and Sydney?**
    I dont get hangovers, I dont throw up.
    I sing a LOT, I quote a LOT.
    I like to send random text messages to friends.
    Used to attend CenterStage, a Performing Arts school doing mainly Musical Theatre, also some singing and acting.
    If wishes were fishes the world would be an ocean.
    Lee Street Primary School REPRESENT!!!.
    The thing says im a Pisces, but im actually an Aquarius... im on the cusp, stupid thing doesnt understand
    To know of The Game is to play The Game, to think of The Game is to lose The Game. Start Playing.
    the end.

Crazy Quotes:

* "Flappy! Great news! I've decided not to kill you!!!" - Stewie (Family Guy)

* "So's ya face!" - JD (Scrubs)

* "No, actually I'm calling you from a Bananna right now..." - Tom Wisniewski (MxPx B-Movie)

* "Go Doug!!!" - Jay (Mallrats)

* "Yeah and if your mum had any teeth she wouldn't suck dick so well. What's your point?" - Pnab (Idle Hands)

* "I'd say 'come again'? And then id laugh cos i said 'come'." - Peter (Family Guy)

* "You dont make friends with salad!!..." - Simpson family (The Simpsons)

* "Madonna best fucking live act... Fuck off!" - Elton John (hahaha go Elton!)

* "Majority rule...dont work in mental institutions" - NOFX

* "And that my friends is where we cue the music....meh meh meh,weh wew, meh meh meh, wolowla, meh meh meh, weh wew, mow mow mow, meh mehh mehh meh mow mow..." - Brodie (Jay and Silent Bob Strikes Back)

* "In this world gone mad we wont spank the monkey! the monkey will spank us!" - Jay (Jay and Silent Bob)

* "Looks like a stage is being erected!" - TS (Mallrats)

* "I'm just the janitor, i couldn't think of the word SAD, I was going to say i feel so MOP" - Janitor (Scrubs)

* "Stop calling me Warren! My name isnt... fucking Warren!" - Warren (Empire Records)

* "UN DODGY PLONKE!!" - Merric and Russo (Merrick and Russo Unplaned)

* "I say am i to spend the entire day wollowing around in my own fecies?!" - Stewie (Famliy Guy)

* "Damn the broccoli, damn you and damn the Wright brothers!!" - Stewie (Family Guy)

* "What's with today, today?" - Lucas (Empire Records)

* "That kid is on the escalator again!!!" - Brodie (Mallrats)

* "The sky is blue, and all the leaves are green, my heart's as full as a baked pot-a-ta, i think i know prescisely what i mean when i say it's a Shpadoinkle Day!!!" - Packer (Cannible The Musical)

* "Life is like a box of chocolates...but in your case its like a box of ACTIVE GRENADES!!!" - Stewie (Family Guy)

* "Robin!! You've lost your arms in battle!....but you grew a nice pair of boobs!!!" - Blinkin (Robin Hood Men In Tights)

* "How do you know he doesnt smoke monkey pole?" - Jason Biggs (Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back)...hehehe thats for u Will!

* "What is going on? you know how many hours i spent looking for my temple of poon tape?...ONE...thats a long time to be looking for porn Matt, what the fuck is going on?!?!?!?!" - Ryan (40 Days 40 Nights)

* "Tell 'em Steve Dave!!!" - Fan-Boy (Mallrats & Jay and Silent Bob)

* "Smells like fiish, tastes like chiicken!" - Random Mexican (La Bamba)

* "Empire Records, open til midnight, this is Mark.....MIDNIGHT!!!" - Mark (Empire Records)...hehe thats for Dan.

If I could marry any celebrity it would be Jason Lee! I love him! OR Ethan Embry, OR Seth Green, I love them too :)

You are Heroin Bob!

Which SLC Punk are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

MSN: [email protected]

I'd like to meet:

I'd like to meet ME if I were YOU.
I've met my favourite band, Unwritten Law (best night of my life)...
also Tripod, MANY times... Adam Hills, MXPX, Myf Warhurst, Allan Brough, Dave Hughes, and many more are all on my list of awesome people ive met.
my life is complete.


LOVE Music! Pretty much like anything alternative: rock, punk rock, 60s 70s rock, punk, electro, pop punk, ska, emo/screamo, chill out, metal, hardcore, indie, comedy, gangster rap, hip hop, anything really! Love the oldies but goldies. Anything i can sing along too. Also I have done musical theatre and singing for years so like alot of that stuff. This is quite random mostly stuff I enjoy, not necessarily stuff I know extremely well. Ok here goes:


some local acts you should support:
Bitter Sweet Kicks **
Cartel Las General **
City On Fire *
Dance With Voices **
Dead Cowboys **
Eddie Perfect **
Ground Components **
Helix **
Master Cardinal *
My Left Boot *
Orsan Eskabar **
Poison In Your Breakfast Cereal **
Raindogs (RIP) **
Straight 80 *
The Knockabouts (RIP) *
The Polites **
The Temper Trap *
The Vaginals (RIP) *
This War **
Tripwire **
Zeroline **

And lots more that i cant think of right now but think ive done well to get all that out...and well done to you if you are still reading! haha.


Love movies!... im a movie freak. I can name a few cool movies off the top of my head... hmmm...


I like alot of weird strange movies also. Horror, Action, Comedy, Drama, Arthouse, Animation€ you name it! Most Aussie movies are usually pretty awesome, and British. I like lots of old movies too... like ones you would have watched in primary school, and unknown movies . hehe...make-over movies are fun, and romantic comedies! (comedy is probably my favourite)...things i can laugh at even if they're not supposed to be funny-like80s movies, hahahaha.
Random shit is the best.

And pretty much anything with these kinds of people:


well you get my drift ... and many many more!


...any funny stuff thats on. Hate reality TV! hate the concepts, and hate the fact they're keeping actors out of work.... so rude!.. British Comedy is awesome. BBC stuff, random cartoons and shows rock.


...old school stuff! and others...



Dont really read... i rather wait for the movie! Sad but true! Haha


BRAD IS MY BIGGEST HERO EVA!! HE SAVED MY LIFE...WE LIKE TO CALL HIM 'SUPER FRANK' (his hetero life-mate is Side Kick AL!)...hehe...
Ummm.... Superman is a hero, Spiderman, Batman, Wonder Woman, The Incredible Hulk, Flash, Wolverine, Robin, ah.... who else? any suggestions?...
FatAss!!! (aka silent bob) hehe. "Fly Fat Ass Fly!!!"...
Stewie from Family Guy!....
Eddie Perfect (a musical genious)
Last But Deffinately not Least... TRIPOD!!!

My Blog

Strung Out Last Night.

was freakin' amazing!best DAL gig EVER!(although i missed Mad Caddies back in the day, and i hear that was pretty awesome. I got there too late).It was like a real gig.It wasn't too packed.Good crowd....
Posted by Alessia: Bess-atron [B.H.C] on Fri, 09 Nov 2007 02:14:00 PST

why?... [my ramblings] people dress as whores for Halloween?seriously?it's HALLOWEEN!...dress as a Ghost, or a Vampire, or a Zombie, or a Corpse Bride, or a Devil, pretty much ANYTHING dead, or freakin' Michael Jackso...
Posted by Alessia: Bess-atron [B.H.C] on Tue, 06 Nov 2007 06:14:00 PST

we bought a house!... yes another one.

long story sister and her husband have been living in London, they want to move home soon... mum and dad decided to buy them a we bought one.someone woke me up before midday and f...
Posted by Alessia: Bess-atron [B.H.C] on Sat, 27 Oct 2007 10:52:00 PST

Myspace? or is it Facebook???

ha! did anyone else notice that Myspace is trying to be Facebook, or is it just me?it's stupid that it's trying to be Facebook, because it's taking on all the parts of Facebook that i hate!It's so co...
Posted by Alessia: Bess-atron [B.H.C] on Thu, 25 Oct 2007 09:23:00 PST

Wow! What a great day!!! :)

So today was the best day in a while!i got to do not one but THREE things ive been waiting to do for ages!First, I had a voucher for Readings and got the first season of Entourage! (ive been hearing s...
Posted by Alessia: Bess-atron [B.H.C] on Tue, 23 Oct 2007 08:08:00 PST


Hearts for Carlene for posting this for me!!!and also for Jen, Brett and Marcus for knowing what the fuck im on about when i quote it (haha and my mum and dad who i got into it as well, hahaha) ...
Posted by Alessia: Bess-atron [B.H.C] on Thu, 11 Oct 2007 01:46:00 PST

De Ja Vu’! Freakin’ scary shit!!

Ok, so this morning I dreamt that Sydney Big Day Out sold out, and all this stuff... like i remember all these intimate details that my dream told me...I even told my family about it before without ha...
Posted by Alessia: Bess-atron [B.H.C] on Wed, 10 Oct 2007 07:02:00 PST

Gym Class Heroes [spot the band in the lyrics!]

Ok, so I've been meaning to do this for a while.Below are some lyrics from a song called Taxi Driver, by Gym Class Heroes... the entire song is made up of references too band names and such... I've hi...
Posted by Alessia: Bess-atron [B.H.C] on Tue, 09 Oct 2007 02:30:00 PST

new folder!

...of photos.all new photos from last night (next)... and i moved some older ones from this month in there (as the folder is conveniently named "september 07")...people who should consider looking in ...
Posted by Alessia: Bess-atron [B.H.C] on Fri, 28 Sep 2007 01:10:00 PST

Marcus got mugged!!!

well..., me marcus eamonn and jes were walking back to jes' car after the Hold Your Fire gig (which was awesome by the way)... and a bunch...
Posted by Alessia: Bess-atron [B.H.C] on Fri, 28 Sep 2007 10:55:00 PST