THIS AIR IS BLESSED YOU SHARE WITH ME. THIS NIGHT IS WILD, SO CALM AND DULL, THESE HEARTS THEY RACE FROM SELF CONTROL. YOUR LEGS ARE SMOOTH AS THEY GRAZE MINE. WE'RE DOING FINE, WE'RE DOING NOTHING AT ALL. MY HOPES ARE SO HIGH THAT YOUR KISS MIGHT KILL ME, SO WON'T YOU KILL ME? SO I DIE HAPPY. MY HEART IS YOURS TO FILL OR BURST. TO BREAK OR BURRY, OR WEAR AS JEWELRY. WHICHEVER YOU PREFFER... my life has always been far from perfect, but what i have realized recently is that the people in your life make your life all you could ever want it to be. I can't wait for summer to finally arrive, it keeps on trying!! I hope everyone has been enjoying the great (for the most part) weather we have been having. Cinco de Mayo is right around the corner and i couldn't be more excited. If any girl were born to drink tequilla, it would be me!
Life isn't about the job that you hold or whether you graduated highschool or not. Life is about living to the fullest extent and making a positive impact along your journey. People are of all walks of life, and we all have our own trials. Life isn't about one upping the competition, no it's about lending a hand to have a greater outcome that is better for the general society. Everyone gives and takes away life, it just depends on the scale of how it gets to be measured out on.So you want to know all about me? I am wonderfully weird and I love music. Loving music doesn't begin to explain it, music is my life. I love, love, love the rain, but even more than the rain I adore the snow. I like long walks on the beach at sunset when the waves are crashing in. I think the East Coast is gorgeous and want to move there one day. More important that anything to me is my family. I put them first and I just don't mean the people I am physically related to, because I consider my closest of friends family. Family and friends have always taken the cake with me. What are my hobbies: I like to hang out at Denny's. I sing (karaoke is the best!), create art (mostly paint and sculpture), do ammeture photography, and write. I also enjoy bowling and shooting pool. I also go to as many local shows as possibly, because you'll find the best music in your own backyard. Meeting new people is awesome. I find people in general facisnating and am always looking for someone to influence and broaden my horizons. To end this, I will leave a bunch of inside jokes that near no one will understand...
"you can get anywhere in 17 minutes..."
"everyone goes through that stage where they think they're bisexual unless you're Micah and then you've always loved the cock"
"Ahh I can't escape your penis!!"
"Eightballs and prostitutes"
"6 squared = 24 .. right?"
"OMG thats not your knee"
"littering and..."
"Guns don't kill people, Chuck Norris kills people..."
"One tequilla, two tequilla, three tequilla SHIT Ashley is puking!!"
"So this penguin is driving a piece of shit topaz..."
"Chuck Norris Llama Love"
"And it all began with cookies..."
"Coffee flavored Vodka"
"He plays with himself... Jherrid Reeder"
"I want to be Emo-Barbie"
"There is a lady standing up there ... oh its a Jesus!"
"two gimps walk down a flight of stairs..."
"I'm the biggest slut I win!!"
"accelarating thru the turn..."
"24.75 MPH, I hit that window with a lot of velocity..."
"Okay, love ME bye!!"
"Spoon up, or spoon down?"
"KY Warming Gel needs soap!"
"Did you see that? I just fucking ejaculated on your dashbaord.."
"what had happened was..."
"elmo hates you"
"hot (hawk) girl"