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About me:
Love all, trust a few. Do wrong to none.
About Me Name is Luis. if you have a hard time pronouncing it just say lewis. I have been given the opportunity of life and I plan to take advantage of it.I'm back to my roots and back to my family. im just a drunk guy that likes to have fun. :D
InterestsMusic, Entertainment, Things that go BOOM. Currently working on music like the old days. If you seriously want to know just ask me cause im too lazy to type at moment.
The Zodiacal sign of the Gemini.. The Twins commences on May 21st, but for seven days it does, not come into its full power until on or about May 28th.From this date onwards it is in full strength until June 20th, and is then for seven days, gradually losing strength on account of becoming overlapped by the "cusp" of the incoming sign -Cancer.The people who were born in this period are widely known for their dual personalities and ability to change mood from moment to moment. Although they hate to be tied down, they make lively, entertaining and romantic partners, even if they can be rather fickle if bored or unhappy.The twin sides of their nature are perpetually pulling in opposite directions. Their brains are subtle and brilliant but they usually "lack continuity of purpose".Of all people they are the most difficult to understand; in temperament they are hot and cold almost at the same moment. They love with one side of their nature and they are often critical or dislike with the other people. Their sharp wit and excellent powers of observation make them a good raconteur, although they have a tendency to exaggerate which can cause trouble with their relationships.Such people are usually excellent in diplomacy, and dazzle their listeners by, their wit and brilliancy, but they usually leave them no wiser than they were at the start.It is difficult even for them to understand what they want to achieve. At heart they are ambitious for social position; but when obtained they have already tired of it, and are ready to go in for something else or for something totally opposite. Being natural communicators these people do not suffer fools gladly; so once they are attracted to people, they have to ensure that they are not dull or mundane. They will no doubt spending ages chatting to anyone about every subject under the sun, just to keep feeding their ever active and inquisitive mind.If taken as they are, in their own moods, they are the most delightful people imaginable, but one must not attempt to hold them or to expect them to be constant to their ideas or plans.They believe they are truthful, constant, faithful, and so they may be at the moment, but every moment to them has a separate existence.These people have an ability to see quickly the weak points in those they meet, and can reduce all to nothing by wit, sarcasm, or mimicry.Almost all of them are great talkers and usually very much in demand socially because they are so entertaining. Gemini is the life of the party.They often succeed the best, as far as money is concerned, but their more suitable career is generally that which requires diplomacy, tact, and finesse. The representatives of lower types are unscrupulous in finance and untruthful. They often make successful gamblers and company promoters of "get-rich-quick" schemes.Either type make hosts of friends and are kind-hearted and generous to the person who fills their thoughts at the moment, but "out of sight, out of mind" explains their fits of "forgetfulness" as nothing else can.In all matters of affection they are human puzzles. They can love passionately and yet be inconstant at the same moment, and it is only their shield of diplomacy and exquisite tact that keeps them from often making a mess of their lives.
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My Interests

Music, Books, Cars, Videogames ( Guildwars, Halo, Return To Castle Wolfenstein, Counter-Strike, Call of Duty, Tribes Vengeance, Tekken series, Halo PC). Any competitive sport or game of the sort. Prophecies, Theory, Religion Bashing, Love.


too many to list, and so little time on my hands.




anything but mtv, anytime I watch anything on that channel I feel like a little piece of my brain dies.


currently reading: car manuals :D


Mi Familia.

My Blog

new horizon

I feel like there's so many things a human can accomplish. Yet, their fear and mind hold them back. Color, size, or ethnicity shouldn't matter in your success. Determination doesn't exist because you'...
Posted by luis on Thu, 12 Apr 2007 05:48:00 PST


I'm having so much fun and I got like a million presents.This has been the best xmas ever, I hope it goes well for all of you as well.New years is gametime.:D
Posted by luis on Mon, 25 Dec 2006 06:49:00 PST

company party plus great companionship

tonight is free open bar at a private club in downtown.too goodI hope I don't die tonite of alcohol
Posted by luis on Fri, 08 Dec 2006 01:05:00 PST

if the truth is what you're looking for, then read the blogs :D

The difference between a friend and a girlfriend There is a difference between a friend and a girlfriend. A person can be your friend, but not your girlfriend, and can be your girlfriend but not your...
Posted by luis on Tue, 28 Nov 2006 04:43:00 PST

Need vs Want as posted by a lost friend.

I've been pondering lately about stuff. not deep thoughts. just skimming the surface.  I came to a conclusion the difference between "want" and "need." I think too many relationships are ruined o...
Posted by luis on Wed, 22 Nov 2006 09:27:00 PST

The mighty mountains tremble!

Posted by luis on Wed, 21 Jun 2006 07:37:00 PST