I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

MySpace Countdown ClocksI was born in Frankfort, Kentucky in 1969 while both of my parents were attending Western Kentucky University. I grew up with my dad and stepmom. Before middle school, I lived in 6 states (KY, VA, MA, NY, CT, TX), and 5 different elementary schools! NOT FUN! But Dad worked for Hershey Chocolate and we had to move wherever sales were low so he could fix it! :) But that was very tough! Have a little sister and brother. We lived in a suburb outside of Dallas (Coppell) for middle school and high school because Dad was diagnosed with brain cancer so we actually stayed in one place for a while (diagnosed right before he was transferred to Japan). I CAME TO LOVE THE DALLAS COWBOYS, THEY ALL LIVED 5 MINUTES AWAY FROM US DURING FOOTBALL SEASON! After he died in 1987 at the age of 38, I went to the University of Kentucky, graduated (1992), then moved to Florida and met my husband, Jason. We got married two years later (6/17/95). I earned my Masters at the University of Central Florida (1997) and I am an elementary school teacher. We have three smart, beautiful, perfect boys (7, 8, and 11).My motto is "LIVE AND LET LIVE!" Life is too short to be mean to any person or animal! I don't hang with racists (there's trash in EVERY race, DUH!), sexists, judgmental, anti-gay, Bible thumpin, mean people, or overzealous/righteous people. GOD IS TOO BIG TO FIT INTO ANY ONE RELIGION! Everyone has the right to believe something, and we shouldn't slam others for their beliefs! LET HE WHO IS WITHOUT SIN CAST THE FIRST STONE!Oh yeah, I am unmedicated ADHD and suffer from CDO--that's OCD, but in alphabetical order as it should be!WHO I WOULD LIKE TO MEET: John Kennedy, John Lennon, Dalai Lama, Tina Fey, King Abdullah, Princess Diana, Dick Vitale, Adolf Rupp (JUST TO LET HIM KNOW THEY NOW LET BLACK PEOPLE PLAY ON UK'S TEAM! HA HA HA).

My Interests

SLAMMING BUSH: "The war in Iraq is just like Vietnam, but in a good way!"---our stupid president for whom SOME of you voted! But more importantly, MY KIDS, DALLAS COWBOYS, UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY, ROLLER BLADING, RUNNING, PILATES, YOGA, ANY NCAA GAME, and DISAPPEARING ISLAND. I live for March Madness EVEN when Kentucky bows out! Turnovers and missed rebounds will get you every time, guys! Come on now!

I love my family, teaching, and trying to stay healthy! I love being around kids! My dad always told me, "Stephanie, don't ever be a teacher. You won't make any money and you will have to rely on a man for the rest of your life!" But I don't regret a minute of it! We enjoy going to Disappearing Island every weekend we can. We go to the south side because people there are a little more normal and hang with their families. I am very outgoing and personable. Sarcasm is my specialty, and making people laugh is priceless (I don't care, AT me or WITH me..just LAUGH for God's sake. Life is way too short)! I love to be around fun people, and I enjoy dancing! I am a true Scorpio!

I'd like to meet:

David Cook (duh), Martin Luther King Jr., John F. Kennedy, Adolf Rupp, King Abdullah (king of Jordan), Marilyn Monroe, Tina Fey, Justin Timberlake, Queen Elizabeth II, Hillary Clinton, Benjamin Franklin, Elvis, Walt Disney, Socrates, William Shakespeare, Ronald Reagan, John Lennon, Ernest Hemingway, Charles Darwin, Mickey Mantle, and Edgar Allan PoeWhat else is there besides college basketball? Go ahead, I will give you some time to think about it!

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Girly Myspace Comments


GREEN DAY (Saw them THREE times in one year 2006--Miami, Orlando, Jacksonville)! Anything 80's! Especially the Cure, REM, Berlin, Depeche Mode, Pet Shop Boys! I also like most top 40. Fergie, Christina Aguilera, Alicia Keys, Nickelback, Three Doors Down, Finger 11, Justin Timberlake, Chris Brown, Pink, and Sean Paul. I like it all except R & B, Hard Rap, Hard Rock, and most current country! Alicia Keys and Rascal Flats are great though!


KNOCKED UP, Friday Night Lights, ANY DALLAS COWBOY DOCUMENTARY! KNOCKED UP (Way too funny!), KNOCKED UP (laughed my butt off), Gross Pointe Blank, KNOCKED UP (not for kids though cuz it is funny), Less than Zero, KNOCEKD UP if y ou want to laugh a lot Wedding Crashers, KNOCKED UP--a couple of times so you don't miss any of the dialogue, The Ref, KNOCKED UP isn't bad, Caddyshack, anything that makes me laugh! Anything with Will Farell, Steve Martin (the Jerk is still funny!), and Vince Vaughn (The Break Up sucked though)! A serious movie I love is the notebook. Oh, and definitely see KNOCKED UP! Oh yeah! And one of my dad's favorite movies (and mine too)...Places in the Heart with Sally Fields and Ed Harris! You'll cry, so after that you may want to watch KNOCKED UP again!


DALLAS COWBOYS FOOTBALL! NCAA ANYTHING, The Bachelor, Dr. 90210, American Idol, Dateline, 20/20, 48 Hours Mystery, The First 48, Intervention. Thank God for TiVO! Anything that is "real life", not much of a sitcom girl! But wasn't Will and Grace great?


ANY BOOK ABOUT THE DALLAS COWBOYS. Any self-help book cuz lord knows I freakin need them! Love Daily Meditation Books. People magazine is kind of fun! I get it every Friday, count all the "readable" pages, divide that number by 7 and that tells me how many pages to read each day before my next issue comes! Smart, huh:? My Random Act of Kindness is giving the issue to my gym when I am done reading it. They love it!


My father (1949-1987). He fought brain cancer for 3 years, never felt sorry for himself, and stayed so strong! He was amazing! May 25, 2008: I will be the same age TO THE DAY that he was when he died! My hero is anyone who adds something to this world and makes life better for others. Anyone involved in human rights!

My Blog

Baby Seals!!

Once again, defying international opposition and all standards of human decency, the Canadian government is sanctioning the mass killing of helpless baby harp seals. In the weeks ahead, hundreds of th...
Posted by DAVID COOK FOR PRESIDENT on Sun, 09 Mar 2008 02:56:00 PST

christina sang it best

CHRISTINA AGUILERA:  HURT   Seems like it was yesterday when I saw your faceYou told me how proud you were but I walked awayIf only I knew what I know todayI would hold you in my armsI would...
Posted by DAVID COOK FOR PRESIDENT on Sun, 03 Dec 2006 10:42:00 PST

Prayers for Kailynne

She touches my heart in so many ways! When I met her, the strength and spirit she showed was unbelievable, I don't know if limited are her days, I don't know if all the prayers are deceivable. But I d...
Posted by DAVID COOK FOR PRESIDENT on Sat, 11 Nov 2006 09:12:00 PST

25 Facts of LIfe...need 11 more to match myage

1.    If you're too open-minded, your brains will fall out.2.    Don't worry about what people think; they don't do it very often.3.    Going to church doesn't make you ...
Posted by DAVID COOK FOR PRESIDENT on Sat, 21 Oct 2006 11:37:00 PST

my latest runs!

I am so proud of myself (finally) for MANY reasons...but one of them is my 5Ks!  A 5K is 3.11 miles.  I started back up again September 30th with the race for my friend Kailynne who has inop...
Posted by DAVID COOK FOR PRESIDENT on Thu, 19 Oct 2006 07:03:00 PST


GIVE ME MONEY! Hey!  On September 30th, I am running in a 5K for Kailynne Quartier.  You can go to South Daytona Parks and Recreation website to find out more about it!  Either run...
Posted by DAVID COOK FOR PRESIDENT on Fri, 22 Sep 2006 05:59:00 PST

Back to school!!!!

FYI:  I am SO excited!  I thought I wanted to teach regular ed for the first time in 12 years (instead of ESE which is learning and behaviorally disordered students).  But, instead, I a...
Posted by DAVID COOK FOR PRESIDENT on Mon, 24 Jul 2006 09:08:00 PST

I've got the power....I think?

AUTHENTIC POWER Authentic Power:  Our personal will.  It is the ability to trust our own instincts and hunches.  Many of us walk around feeling powerless.  We procrastinate and fai...
Posted by DAVID COOK FOR PRESIDENT on Fri, 23 Jun 2006 02:36:00 PST

first time for everything.............

Well, I am returning to work in the fall. I sat down with the principal yesterday (4/28) and after 12 years of teaching ESE (learning/behaviorally disabled) kids, she is granting me my request! ...
Posted by DAVID COOK FOR PRESIDENT on Sat, 29 Apr 2006 05:39:00 PST

I was runnin!

39th Annual Easter Beach Run FEMALE AGE DIVISION:  35 - 39---------------------------------------------Place O'All Firstname  Lastname     Ag City    ...
Posted by DAVID COOK FOR PRESIDENT on Sun, 16 Apr 2006 02:21:00 PST