Danyo profile picture


I am here for Dating and Serious Relationships

About Me

Finished my master's degree in Marriage and Family Therapy and Sex Therapy at Drexel Hahnemann and decided to stay in Fairmount area of Philly.Currently working as a Child and Adolescent Outpatient Therapist at PATH in Northeast Philadelphia. I work primarily with children and adolescents from a lower income population.(If you want to hear about hell talk to these people from time to time and you'll thank your parents for smacking you around as a kid.)
I'm 100% Ukrainian and damned proud of it. I know just about everybody and I love making new friends. You'll see me at zabavy (dances) all over the US and Canada. If you don't see me there you'll catch me camping out at CYM Ellenville or partying at Soyuzivka. I'm the guy that baba warned you about =)
I'm a very easy guy to get along with and I treat everyone around me like gold. I love helping my friends as much as I can but doing what I do there are days where I really can't deal with anyone's drama. I hate hearing people complain that their car is scratched or their boyfriend treated them wrong when my clients tell me how they were beaten by their drug addict parents and can't read. Be thankful for what you have... believe it or not if you have a computer to read this you've got a spectacular life. There I go ranting again. You have to be passionate about this line of work because if you're not then you shouldn't be doing it.
Lessee what else... i'm single but in no mood for games or drama or any other bs.. have enough of that in my life. I love to laugh and love to make others laugh. I DJ down at the Uki Bar in Philly from time to time. May get my 80's night back up and running in march or something. I'm pretty smart and can follow along on just about any conversation. I guess that'll do for now.
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My Interests

Take the "How Ukrainian Are You Quiz"

I'd like to meet:

Just about anyone that likes the kind of music, movies, and books I do. Hard to find around here.

Pictures from 80's Night
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Nine Inch Nails, Funker Vogt, Life Cried, Cenotype, VNV Nation, Apoptygma Berzerk, Covenant, Combichrist, Feindflug, Mono No Aware, Project Pitchfork, Assemblage 23, Hocico, Front 242, Front Line Assembly, Mind in a Box, Seabound, Lights of Euphoria, Cruxshadows, Icon of Coil, E-Craft, All New Wave/80s Synthpop, Syrian, Mozart,Beethoven, Moxy Fruvous, DaVinci's Notebook, Lots and lots of music but nothing you'd hear on the radio


Fight Club, Run Lola Run, Death to Smoochy, Reservoir Dogs, Clockwork Orange, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Leon, Trainspotting, Snatch, Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, Star Wars (not the new ones), LOTR, Princess Bride (thats right I went there), Walk The Line


Adult Swim, Anime, Simpsons, Family Guy, Scrubs, All CSI's, South Park, Mythbusters


Anything Palahniuk, Gaiman, Lincon and Child


Victor Yuschenko.. Nuff said

My Blog


Alright this is pretty deep so get comfortable.So I've come home from a great week at home in Jersey and I've been settling back into my apartment here in Philly very nicely. Thing is that I'm not the...
Posted by Danyo on Tue, 28 Nov 2006 12:33:00 PST