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Just about anyone that likes the kind of music, movies, and books I do. Hard to find around here.
Pictures from 80's Night
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Nine Inch Nails, Funker Vogt, Life Cried, Cenotype, VNV Nation, Apoptygma Berzerk, Covenant, Combichrist, Feindflug, Mono No Aware, Project Pitchfork, Assemblage 23, Hocico, Front 242, Front Line Assembly, Mind in a Box, Seabound, Lights of Euphoria, Cruxshadows, Icon of Coil, E-Craft, All New Wave/80s Synthpop, Syrian, Mozart,Beethoven, Moxy Fruvous, DaVinci's Notebook, Lots and lots of music but nothing you'd hear on the radio
Fight Club, Run Lola Run, Death to Smoochy, Reservoir Dogs, Clockwork Orange, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Leon, Trainspotting, Snatch, Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, Star Wars (not the new ones), LOTR, Princess Bride (thats right I went there), Walk The Line
Adult Swim, Anime, Simpsons, Family Guy, Scrubs, All CSI's, South Park, Mythbusters
Anything Palahniuk, Gaiman, Lincon and Child
Victor Yuschenko.. Nuff said