Brittney profile picture


About Me

Hey there.. So I live in a really small town with a bunch of awesome people. *You guys mean so much to me*. I'm really into singing and I pretty much do it all the time... Hmmm well considering the size of my town I guess the interesting factor in my life is a little on the lacking side. But on the weekends I usually hang out with friends and watch movies, or play this really crazy zombie game. its really nice haha. I'm involved with a really awesome christian youth group, and I am part of the youth drama team. I really like it... I love to shop...I guess every girl could probably say that, but I really do like it.. Lol, so I guess my life isn't very thrilling but I love it all the same. MyGen Profile Generator

My Interests

I like food!!


Dispatch, Dave Mathews, the Killers, Jack Johnson, Hillsong, Delerious, DC talk, Tragically hip, Presidents of the USA, Beachboys, Bob Marley, Audio Adreniline, Smashing Pumpkins... pretty much a bit of everything...except i don't like rap very much! but, to those who do, all the power to you!


I really like waynes world, and any zombie movies that i can watch with my pals!! the zombie game rocks too!


Jesus is my biggest hero... I mean I find it so mind boggling how he came out of heaven * a perfect place * to die for me, and for all of us. He was, and still is, perfect but he took all the bad things that we've have done and but them as far as the east is from the west. When exactly does the east become west anyway??? It doesn't!!! Thats the whole point.. He forgets about all the awful things we've done and He just loves us...he loves me, he loves you..He's perfect! I'd have to say thats a pretty awesome role model to have...