drinking,hanging out with friends,going to strip bars,watching bands,any good music,and even more drinking with friends because they're the real people that i want to be around href="http://www.msplinks.com/MDFodHRwOi8vd3d3LnN1aWNpZGVjaX
I'd like to meet:
myself one of these days i just want to meet another asshole as big as me
MTV Music Videos MTV Shows Entertainment News
punk,metal,rockabilly,anything loud and rowdy
boondock saints, sin city, grindhouse, animal house, suburbia(the original), rock and roll highschool
football,csi,nip/tuck,the shield,rescue me,ufc
they don't have books in bars or in strip bars
any bastard who lives the life the way it should be lived not as the drones of the world live blue collar work never hurts it just makes you stronger