T H U G profile picture


To whom much is given, much is required...

About Me

MySpace LayoutsI'm 28, from Frisco, I have three beautiful kids. I'm a freedom fighter/community activist... Ironically, I work in politics during the day and I gig with Supasickwidit by night. I do what I do cuz I wanna see people live long enough to make their dreams come true. I love my people man...I mean I really love my people. I'm real militant widdit tho! Don't sleep! I got a lil Jeezy in me...I'm a go getter....Imma hustle till I pull a muscle. I ain't no pinch hitter, I'm the leader of the squad. I'm not being arrogant, I'm simply acknowledging the path God has destined for me....I'm the same chick no matter if I'm in a bucket or a Benz. I'm a survivalist- think ghetto MacGuyver. I put water in my ketchup bottle to make it stretch when and I ain't to good to rock a weave. I'm a little boughie and a little ghetto.....so that means big screen tv's and bootleg cable. I like to touch the finer things life has to offer but I'm not consumed by them. ... I'm a MADE BITCH. Young, Gifted and BLACK. No part of me is basic, average, common, floor model, or stock. The bible says that it's not important what name you are given when you are born, it's the name you have when you leave this place that sets you apart. And mark my words.... whether its on the block, city hall, behind the prison walls or on the scene, my name is good. I'm one of dem ones boy! YOU GON REMEMBER ME.... REST IN PEACE TO MY NEPHEW BABY DARYL FEB 15, 2005 TO JUNE 1, 2006. TEE TEE WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU WOO WOO. YOU ARE FOREVER IN MY HEART.a href="http://photobucket.com" target="_blank"THIZ IS MY BESTEST FRIEND IN THE WHOLE WORLD. U SEE HER LOOKIN LIKE MARIAH? SHE'S 100% THORO-BREAD STUNNA. DON'T GET IT TWISTED, SHE MIGHT LOOK LIKE MALIBU BARBIE BUT SHE IS A STRONG BLACK WOMAN SO RESPECT IT! THIS IS THE ONLY CHICK I WILL EVER GO TO BAT FOR, THAT'S ON MY BLOOD. AND YEA, SHE'S SINGLE SO GET YA WEIGHT UP!!
Name: Thug Da Realiss
Birthdate: December 28, 1978
Birthplace: FRISCO
Current Location: Here
Eye Color: Dark
Hair Color: Whatever color I decide to buy this week
Height: Ooompa Loompa...
Weight: hahahaha
Piercings: ears and lip (I let the latter one close)
Tatoos: two..one on my left ankle, the other on the back of my neck
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: either/or
Overused Phraze: LOL
Food: Mexican, Italian, Chinese...... ok, any kind.
Candy: Take 5
Number: SEVEN
Color: I'm partial to earth tones...
Animal: Dogs (I love em)
Drink: Diet Dr. Pepper
Alcohol Drink: Tokoyo Tea
Bagel: Rye or Everything with Cream Cheese
Letter: X
Body Part on Opposite sex: ummmmmmmm...... (=
This or That
Pepsi or Coke: Coke
McDonalds or BurgerKing: Taco Bell
Strawberry or Watermelon: Both
Hot tea or Ice tea: Iced- Arizona Sweet Tea
Chocolate or Vanilla Chocolate- that one is for the movement, lol
Hot Chocolate or Coffee: Both
Kiss or Hug: Hugs...they're less imposing
Dog or Cat: PUPPy POWER!
Rap or Punk: BOTH!
Summer or Winter: California Winter (Can't survive anywhere else)
Scary Movies or Funny Movies: Funny
Love or Money: One is no fun without the other
Bedtime: It seems like never.....
Most Missed Memory: My momma...and senior year in high school, 1997
Best phyiscal feature: My back-field (in motion, hahahaha)
First Thought Waking Up: Damn
Goal for this year: UPGRADE
Best Friends: Lainy-POOOO! and a few other real ones (;
Weakness: People who need help
Fears: Settling for less
Heritage: Black, Puerto Rican, French, Native American
Longest relationship: 14 years
Ever Drank: You MUST not know bout me.....
Ever Smoked: eww
Pot: see above
Ever been Drunk: I'd like to call it alcoholly tolerant
Ever been beaten up: Depends on whose telling the story
Ever beaten someone up: see above
Ever Shoplifted: Faithfully
Ever Skinny Dipped: in my tub
Ever Kissed Opposite sex: I have 3 kids...u do the math.
Been Dumped Lately: Nope
Favorite Eye Color: As long as they can see me, I'm good
Favorite Hair Color: Don't matter
Short or Long: Don't matter
Height: 5'10 and up
Style: Clean and name brand...sorry.
Looks or Personality: Personality
Hot or Cute Is it possible to have one without the other?
Drugs and Alcohol: Alcohol
Muscular or Really Skinny: chubby with muscles
Number of Regrets in the Past: No regrets, just lessons learned
What country do you want to Visit: Italy/Rome, Cuba, Morocco, South Africa, London, etc.
How do you want to Die: Like my grandmother (age 90 in my sleep)
Been to the Mall Lately: I'm probably shopping as you read this survey
Do you like Thunderstorms: Oooh hell yes
Get along with your Parents: I love my father; but he can be difficult at times
Health Freak: Naw, I'm a SUPERFREAK
Do you think your Attractive: I'm SEXY As HELL
Believe in Yourself: Yes, I have that high self esteem disorder
Want to go to College: Been there...going back
Do you Smoke: eww
Do you Drink: Didn't you ask me that already?
Shower Daily: It's kind of a ritual
Been in Love: (sigh) Let's not discuss that
Do you Sing: If I have a reason to
Want to get Married: Been there, done that..
Do you want Children: Got 'em....
Have your future kids names planned out: If I ever have more, they will be numbered..#4, #5
Age you wanna lose your Virginity: If I could do it all again, I'd still be a virgin
Hate anyone: the makers of Hagen Daaz coffee ice cream..bastards.

My Interests

I'm not your average chic. I can GO dumb, dumb, dumb, LIKE A GREEN LIGHT or grab some Thai food and watch a foreign film. I'm into anything that has to do with culture, arts, politics, current events and I think BLACK IZZ BEAUTIFUL! I love my people, real talk, and I reach out to them whereva they are, from the block to the pen. I spend everyday of my life fighting to help people stay alive and free.RIP TookieI am a C-H-R-I-S-T-I-A-N and i have C-H-R-I-S-T in my H-E-A-R-T and I will L-I-V-E E-T-E-R-N-A-L-L-Y!!
You're Bob the Tomato. You are the serious one, who
sometimes likes to have fun, if you dont have
work to do. You give good advice and are a
great person who everyone can turn to in times
of need.

Which VeggieTales Character are you?
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SF Ground Movement
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SF Ground Movement
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I'd like to meet:

People who can't be bought or sold. People who appreciate a real ass female and respect game. I like talking to people who walk in more than one world and who have some of the same interests as I do. People who know what they want and work hard to get it; leaders, bosses, you know the types. Most importantly, people who feel an obligation to our community and to our legacy.


I listen to everything from Luther to Lenny Kravitz. I'm half Puerto Rican so when I'm really feelin myself I listen to Celia Cruz, Grupo Mania, Buena Vista Social Club, . I have a DVD and CD collection of music and performances from gospel to rock. I LOVE gospel muzik.


Goodfellas, The Wiz, Crooklynn, the original Willy Wonka, Cabin in the Sky, Eve's Bayou, Ray, the Lion King, Bout It, Cinderella, Serafina, Kill Bill Vol. 2, Malcom X, Sometimes in April, Antwone Fisher Story, too many to name!


THE BEST 5 MINUTES I SPENT WATCHING TV ALL YEAR.... Proud Family, Desperate Housewives, Extreme Home Makeover, the Daily Show, the Simpsons, King of the Hill, Quantum Leap, History Channel, National Geographic, PBS, Nip Tuck, X Files, Ultimate Fighting, In Living Color, Chapelle Show, The L Word, Girlfriends.


The Talented 10th, 48 Laws of Power, Art of Seduction, Miseducation of the Negro, the Silver Crown, The Art of War, Makes Me Wanna Holler, and soooo many more. PICK UP YO BIBLE mane IT's ALL IN DA BOOK!!


My Lord and Savior JESUS CHRIST
Hosted by Sparkle TagsMy Mother DEBBIE HOLLINS (I MISS YOU MOMMA)My Babies Tink, Nunu and Joey. Anybody who ever stood up for the right thing and took a loss for it. My ancestors and people who paved the way for me. People who think out the box. I respect people who take risks to speak the truth.R.I.P. to my cuzzin BeBe- I'll always love you.. you're the reason I keep fighting.

My Blog

What does she mean by "Play Yo Position"

For all of you who keep asking me what that saying means, you're tardy. Every winning team has an all star line-up. You can be a pinch hitter or the leader of the squad, it all depends on how val...
Posted by I DON'T LUV EM on Wed, 22 Nov 2006 07:07:00 PST