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About Me

I like movies. The Beach. Books. Music. Pretty much everything you like.

My Interests

making movies that matter. Broadway shows. Entertainment Weekly. running.

I'd like to meet:

Bono. Nelson Mandella. Michael.


Indigo Girls. Death Cab. Ben Folds. Switchfoot. Denison Witmer. Rufus Wainright. U2. Coldplay. Pete Doherty. oh yeah, And all those new Indie bands that all the emo Kids rock, but stop liking them once they become known.


Life is Beautiful. American Beauty. Fog of War. Saving Private Ryan. About Schmidt. Fight Club. Beaches. Chicago. All About Eve. Bowling for Columbine. In that order.


Oprah. Veronica Mars. Family Guy. Simpsons. Sopranos. Golden Girls.


The Poisonwood Bible -Barbara Kingsolver- Grapes of Wrath -Steinbeck- She's come Undone -Wally Lamb- A Seperate Peace -John Knowles- The Lords of Discipline -Pat Conroy- The Lord of the Flies -William Golding- Catcher in the Rye -Salinger-


Gandhi. Spielberg. Oprah. Bono. Mandella. Mother Theresa. Steve Jobs. Howard Schultz. Rosa Parks.