Christian Youth Theater (CYT) is an after-school theater arts education program for children ages 6-18. CYT classes offer many benefits and opportunities to the young people of the community. Training in singing, dance, drama, makeup, set building, accents and dialects, stunts and special effects are just some of the topics offered in three 10-week terms each year in each area. Classes are taught by experienced theater arts people--teachers, performers and professionals.
Just as important as the teaching of theater arts skills is the positive effect that theatrical experience and performance has on the self-discipline, self-confidence and self esteem of young people. Some CYT students go on to pursue careers in entertainment, but they all gain poise, experience, self-confidence and an appreciation for the arts that only comes from participating in a stage production. CYT offers young people an opportunity to keep busy, to learn, to develop their talents, to interact with friends and to be positive members of their community.
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