Opening CDs, Burning CDs, Smelling CDs, Licking CDs, Using CDs as frisbees, Picking up random bar skanks by giving them CDs we hate & bottling our own cologne. We call our scent "Stale Potato Chip."
Bob Saget & Kelly Clarkson. I mean seriously have you ever thought about what kind of babies these two could produce? That's why we put them together on our friends list, we totally wanna see them hook up and produce the next spawn of Satan.
We play ROCK. Alternative, classic, heavy metal, modern - you know your four basic food groups of rock. Oh yeah, we also like seeing some booty shakin' - so we play rap, hip-hop & R&B weeknights from 10pm-1am.
Anything with Matt Damon. He's a mother fargin genius. I mean really, anyone who can be in films with Ben Asshat err Affleck and still come out looking semi-retarded is aces to us.
Television corrupts your mind. Listen to the radio.
Do we look like big book readers? Pffft. Didn't think so.
Dimebag, John Lennon, Spiechcobbler, John Tarleton's Ghost, Kurt Cobain, Eric Cartman, Punky Brewster, Corky, K-Fed's wang, Ashlee Simpson's voice coach, O.J. Simpson's publicist and anyone who wears a cape just for the hell of it.