reading insanely thick books, novels, and classics... i love writing poems especially when i feel blue... 108 things you should knOw aBout Me: FuN-Loving. a good biTch. cRazy. piNk Princess. CoffEE aDdict. pOetry. bUtterFlies. hEarts. StaRs. FAiRyTalEs. cHrisTinA RossettI faN. NBA junkiE. cHocolAte lOver. CaNdy CoRner. CosMopoLitAn MAG. SeVenTeeN. AliciA Keys. DrUms. wOrkaHolic. PRide anD pRejudiCe. DisNey Movies. fAshonista. mOnOchRomatiC. pAstel coLors. CulinAry Arts. CooKing. BakiNg. pIctuRe pErfect. Club Hopping. adVenturOus. mAligNant. perSuasive. NichOlas sParks fAn. tAmiA. SoUl diVa. 08. kObe's Wifey. TelenoVela Hater. cRitiQue. KiKay. sHopAholiC. BeAch hOpPiNg. BURGER KING. AnoNyMoUs. jAmes. UaaP. vOlleyBall. YogA claSS. dRivinG. CARS. Old Movie Buff. Any Movie bUff. LaKeRs. diAry. wRiTiNg. EssAys. deBate. tRoy. DOGS. cAdBury AlmoNd. cAdbUry pLain. TobleRone whIte. AnGEls. tHe bIg fOur. tWisted. MeD sChooL. FurRy Pens. tExTiNg. sAy It. sMiLe. dolphins. charms. ChristmAs time. bAllet. BroadwAy. YM. gReEn ArCheRs. eLiZaBetH wAkefIeld. bAdMiNton. pAiNtiNg. fLowErs. aDam sAndLer. JosH HarNett. huGh jAckManN. JuLiA RoBertS fAn. ReeSe WiThErspOoN. IpIs hAteR. bEaCh LoVeR. sNow. AnYtHiNg iTaLian. DoN HeNriCo's. eAstwOod. bAby tAlk. heLLo kItty. MANGO. KaMisEta. BAYO. bAgs. sHoes. apPle aNd stRawbErriEs. bAgUio. The NotEbOok. LiVe JoUrNal. SuRvIvOr. eMaiL. pOst cArdS. sPonGebOb sQuaRepaNts. LoVe StoRieS.
my guardian angel...
I LOVE YOU REGIE i wanna meet the real santa!!!
r&b, soul, classics, rock... sAy iT! i swear! i just love this song... smiLe.TaMia. AliCia kEys.Fallin'... pUff dAddy.mIssIng you... AvRil LAvigNe...
my bestfriend's wedding, legally blonde 1&2, 2fast2furious, mona lisa's smile, deat poet's society, message in a bottle, an affair to remember, casablanca, breakfast at tiffany's, while u were sleeping, sleepless in seattle, ms. congeniality, any horror flick, a walk to remember, lizzie maguire movie, forrest gump, ghost, last samurai, matrix 1-3, the replacements, little giants, only you, ten things i hate about you, she's all that, never been kissed, coyote ugly, save the last dance, first knight, home alone 1&3, texas chainsaw massacre, ring spiral, duplex, gothika, brother bear, cheaper by the dozen and a whole lot more!
50 First Dates
the pAssiOn of ChRiSt
Dawson's creek, survivor series, alias, csi, american idol, NBA, NFL, Major LEague Baseball, ChArMed, Buffy the Vampire slayEr, F, ripley's, will and grace, sex and the city, dharma and greg, UAAP, MTv.DhaRia. 7th heaveN.
a walk to remember, message in a bottle, the notebook, the rescue, a bend on the road, memoirs of a geisha, break-up diaries, drama queen, almost married, shopaholic series, Harry Potter 1-5, Lord of the Rings, castle in the attic, sweet valley series, all the classics like little women and secret garden, little prince, gift of acabar, tuesdays with morrie, five people you meet in heaven, conversations with God, chicken soup series, chocolate series, and a whole lot more...
*Our Creator**Superman* *my parents* *my best bud* *Lassie* *Powerpuff Girls**Elle Woods* Girl Power RULES!!!! BeliEving iN yoUrselF nEveR goEs oUt of StyLe!
life is not merely a series of meaningless accidents & coincidences, but rather a tapestry of events dat culminate in an exquisite, sublime plan. & if we were to live life in harmony with the universe, we must all possess a powerful faith in what the ancients used to call fate & what we currently refer to as -destiny..piNk pRinc3sz