HEy eVeryBody! CaN You StoP HeRe And ReaD WhAt IS My NAME anD Who I aM ? I am not an asshole and bum on fucking bullshit world.And I am not a dust and pollution which make you sick or die because your fucking asthma,i'm not a virus G in the resident evil game that make you infected and make you to be a stupid zombie,i am not a prophet who is a represent by god who will save you and die for your sin.i'm not a fucking super hero who come here to save the world from sucking man in your cartoon books.I'M JUST A MAN AND JOE IS MY NAME.....THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION.....555....It's Not FinisH yEt,I HaVe soMeOne who KeEP AnD PRoTeCt My BuTTerfLy's Heart Already.I WoUlD lIkeTo ThanK yOu For mYsElf That I Can FinD Her On the FucKing WorlD She is My Best stuff thaT I EvEr Have... FReeZE LiPs Is You
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