Poll Answers
Straight Outa Louisville, a 22 year old buggin talkin about ways a life, an makin somthin from nothin but when it all comes down to it, we all after the paper, moneys the worst drug ive seen, and ur own governments the raper, now think about that, before u speak on true life, cauz where im from speech kills just like gangbangers reach for ice, now if ur grown and understand that then u know what i mean, cauz on this earth any one can be touched, just like anyone can touch me, so i show respect to others, like i respect my self, so if respects lost its meanin, u best not ask me for help, every human bein is equal, but thats up to every single person, cauz last i new everyone is responsible for his or hers works in, true life, in which i go on an on, cauz im the 1 saint, and i know where i belong -yeaEveryones support is greatly appreciated. We know everyones out here tryin to go big so special thanks to all our fans for showing how a lil time and money from everyone goes a long way. Thanks again peeps. What up Massena, What up Louisville Its Ya Boy SSSSaint yea
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