mr.rëbel profile picture


The freedom is the reason and You can't take it without a fight

About Me

I like (in not particular order): musik, rock&roll, pizza, msn, YouTube, chocolate, sex, kisses, playmates, beautiful girls, art, design, photograph, sci-fi, sms, silver surfer, radio, dvd, freedom, democracy, H.R.Giger, Invader Zim, comics, Nickelodeon, animax, my family, movies, saturdays, fashion tv (more girrrls), buy cds, $money$, UK, Aruba, Mérida (vzla), travel, hamburger, twinkies, oreo, lay's, coca-cola, arepas, chori-pan, pepitos, ketchup, history, beer, run, work, visit friends, concerts, go party, prague's black theater, internet, hi-tech, anime, coffee, ice-cream, peace, stars, sky, galaxy, planets, read, drive... I hate: Simon Bolivar, Comunismo, Fidel Castro, Che-Guevara, Chavez (of course), Manu Chao, The Doors, hippies & phone calls... MyGen Profile Generator

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Beautiful girls, cool bands & nice people...


AIR, Alice In Chains, Anathema, Anthrax (with JOHN BUSH), Atari Teenage Riot, Babyshambles, Bailter Space, Beastie Boys, Belica, Blood From The Soul, Blur, Carcass, (The)Cardigans, Cathedral, Charlatans UK, Clash, Coldplay (Parachutes, AROBTTH), (The) Cramps, Cynic, Daft Punk, David Reilly, Dead World, Death, Def Leppard, Dermis Tatu, Dillinger Escape Plan, D.R.I., Donnas, Echo & The Bunnymen, El Otro Yo, EMF, Extreme Noise Terror, Faith No More, Fall Of Because, Fates Warning, Fear Factory, Filter, Flaming Lips, Foo Fighters, Fudge Tunnel, Fugazi, Girls Against Boys, (The)Go, God Lives Underwater, Godflesh, Gwenmars, Halo, Handsome, Happy Mondays, Head Of David, (The)Hellacopters, Helmet, Hum, Interpol, Iron Maiden, Jeff Buckley, Jerry Cantrell, Jesus Jones, Joy Division, Kent, (The)Killers, Killig Joke, Kiss (with make up), Kraftwerk, Ladytron, LAL, La Leche, (The) Libertines, Live Skull, Local H, Mark Lanegan, Meathook Seed, Misfits, Motörhead, (La)Muy Bestia Pop, Napalm Death, (La)Nave, Nirvana, Ned's Atomic Dustbin, Ocean Color Scene, Old Lady Drivers, Optimum Wound Profile, Pastilla, Paul McCartney, Pearl Jam (Ten,VS,Vitalogy), Pink Floyd, (Los) Pixel, (The)Police, Pop Will Eat Itself, Prunella Scales, Psychedelic Furs, (La)Püta Eléctrica, Quicksand, Radiohead, Ramones, Refused, Ride, Scorn, Screaming Trees, Sebadoh, Sentimiento Muerto, Sigur Rós, Siniestro Total, Skid Row, Skinny Puppy, Slowdive, Solares, (The)Sounds, Stabbing Westward, (The)Stillroven, Subpop, TAM!, Television, Tiamat, Todosantos, Trans Am, Trashmen, Travis, Tricky, Unsane, VAST, Velvet Underground, VHS OR Beta, Von Bondies, Voivod, White Trash, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, (The)Young Gods, Zapato3, and MORE...


Star Wars (todas!), Altered States, Contact, Cocoon & Cocoon:The Return, Alien (especially Alien:Resurrection), Species, ID4, MIB I&II, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Tron, Tim Burton's films, Back to the Future (I, II, III), Artificial Intelligence:AI, Impostor, Point Break, Lethal Weapon (todas), Die Hard (todas), Catch Me If You Can, The Thorn Birds, The Secret Garden, Still Breathing, Touch of a Stranger, Wonder Boys, American Beauty, Ghost World, Clockwork Orange, Lost in Traslation, Airheads, Pulp Fiction, Kill Bill I&II, Green Mile, The Shawshank Redemption, The Majestic, Forrest Gump, 24 Hour Party People, High Fidelity, The Virgin Suicides, X-Men, Terminator I&II, The Devil's Advocate, Carlito's Way, Scent of a Woman, The Godfather Trilogy, The Untouchables, Fight Club, Sin City, The Ring, Event Horizon, and others i forget...




Fundación (Isaac Asimov), Los Astronautas de Yavé (J.J. Benitez), El Túnel (Enesto Sabato), La Guerra de los Mundos (H.G. Wells), Historia del Zulia (Gustavo Ocando Yamarte), El Canto del Pájaro (Anthony de Mello), El Mundo y sus Demonios (Carl Sagan), Yo Visité Ganimedes (Yosip Ibrahim), Casas Muertas (Miguel Otero Silva), La Miel del Alacrán (Otrova Gomas), Así habló Zaratustra (Friederich Nietzsche), Crónicas Marcianas (Ray Bradbury), El Principito (Antoine de Saint-Exupery) etre otros...


My Mom "Chomita", My Dad "Cochise", My Grandfather Rafael "Falito" Lizaraz (RIP), My Godfather Antonio "Cheno" Torres (RIP), Sting, Frank Sinatra, Tom Jones, Hugh Hefner, Mick Jagger, David Bowie, Prince, Madonna, Ted Nugent, Lemmy, Cassius "Muhammad Ali" Clay, Nelson Mandela...