SophBox iPwn™ [Top 8 Me!] THIS IS MY MAIN! profile picture

SophBox iPwn™ [Top 8 Me!] THIS IS MY MAIN!

I don't live in the UK. If you're going to talk to me, make it something more intricate than ur hot.

About Me

I am newly addicted to World of Warcraft
I'm in the realm Caelestrasz and my character is a human warrior called "Personperson". If you've seen me around, say hi on here. If you haven't, come say hi to me in the game. :D
Check out this cool band! They're local to Newcastle too, woot! ^_^
I was in teh paper. :P XD
Best tasting stuff ever:
These pages aren't me:
Stolen profile content and pictures .
Ironic hatespace .
Stolen pictures, private .
Stolen pictures, private .
Stolen pictures, private .
Stolen pictures .
Stolen pictures, private
Stolen pictures, private. Lol at teh headline.
Stolen pictures,, of which I do not use.
Stolen pictures, private profile.
Pics stolen.
Pics Taken .
I do have a friendproject profile but I was one of the first to sign up AND I have my link to this page on there. Please let me know if you find other fakes.
This was on the front page of! Hell yeah!
Hey I'm Sophie, 16 years old from Australia (yes, really, Australia). I am in year 11 at Newcastle High. Chances are if you attend that school, you have seen me around. I sit by myself, so you're quite welcome to come and sit and have a chat if you like, just don't squeal or play shit music on your phone. Shit is defined by pop, hip hop, rap or any sorts of "hay hay hay" shit.
I sit by myself because the past couple of years I have distanced myself from the rest of the teenage social community. I am shy because of this, which is why I am unlikely to let you know if you're annoying the living shit out of me.
I have been distanced because I had been very sick the past couple of years. I'm beginning to come out of it and I have learnt a lot about myself and other people. If you'd like to judge me based on a word or something I say, go ahead, but please try not to make it painfully ironic (think about it long and hard before you speak). :P
I'm completely in love with Red Bull, it is the best drink on the face of the earth. I could live on the stuff, no joke. If you also like Red Bull, I would love to exchange Red Bull erotica with you.
Ben is the best person in my life. We've been together for over a year and he has helped me through the most difficult past few years of my life. I love him to bits and I will never stop. He is my definition of perfection because he accepts imperfection.
I'm a gamer and I mainly play 360. My gamertag is SophBox. I'm not online too often anymore because of school and mental health issues as of late, but hopefully sometime soon that will change.
I have a philosophy on life that you can't regret anything, simply because each mistake and experience teaches you something. I do realise this is an extremely common philosophy, but you would be surprised about how many people actually don't realise it's importance every day. So many times you hear people saying "if only I could go back in time and change this and that". Just think, you made those mistakes for a reason and now you've learnt from them. This is a basic method of learning and beating a person up or someone else for making a mistake is silly.
If you're an intelligent and genuine person, I would take much glee in getting to know you. Just drop me a comment and I will get back to you.

My Interests

Red Bull, Xbox 360, MySpace, Sims 2, Science.

I'd like to meet:

Put my banner on your page if you think I'm awesome. =D

People who I can have an intellectually stimulating conversation with, like Brian. :)

My Comment Box
Leave me a comment:
Rather than using "Add Comment" link, use this form to comment me.
Don't be a dickweed and spam my comments telling people to add you. No one is going to because you're probably some raging lunatic no one likes anyway. SNAP!

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Dear SophBox; I'd just like to let you know that I think about you, day and night, while touching myself. The location I touch myself in is the extremely erotic location known as the elbow. Oh baby, I'd like to let you know I'm doing it now. Love {insert name here}.PS: {insert comment here}.

View All of My Comments


Alexisonfire, The Used, Escape the Fate, Mozart, Lamb of God, Dallas Green, Breaking Benjamin, Three Days Grace, Bullet For My Valentine, UnderOATH, Senses Fail, Panic! At The Disco, Flyleaf, Rage Against the Machine.


Saw trilogy, 300, Shooter (win).


Family Guy, Desperate Housewives, American Dad, The Simpsons. I also like to watch some late night TV occasionally (sometimes there are programs where people get completely owned, fly off of motorcycles etc) and foreign programs and documentaries on SBS.


Harry Potter, Wikipedia, stuff I have to read for school.



If I forgot you please let meh know! These people are teh pwn. ^_^
Groups Click here to view my groups .

My Blog

Scored the front page of NEWS.COM.AU! (moar inside),25642,23741709-501 4108,00.htmlAhh, the old brain spark ...I've read some of these comments and there are a certain few who are desperately misslead. I don't u...
Posted by SophBox iPwn™ [Top 8 Me!] THIS IS MY MAIN! on Fri, 23 May 2008 01:22:00 PST

Currently Number 2 in Australia for MySpace. :)

Probably heard around and seen in newspapers lately. Pretty cool eh? Topped my state and second in Australia not by a lot.Been on 2HD and going on NEW-FM probably sometime next week. Stay tuned, I'll ...
Posted by SophBox iPwn™ [Top 8 Me!] THIS IS MY MAIN! on Fri, 11 Apr 2008 07:26:00 PST

Haha I was in the Sunday Telegraph (newspaper).,22049,23490712 -5006009,00.htmlFTW hahah. :P
Posted by SophBox iPwn™ [Top 8 Me!] THIS IS MY MAIN! on Sat, 05 Apr 2008 03:48:00 PST

Heh heh heh my recent absenses and cod4 tourny last w/e WOO!

My recent absenses are due to an anxiety and depression disorder most people who know me probably know about, however those who don’t, new news. I’m switching meds and having a spaz while ...
Posted by SophBox iPwn™ [Top 8 Me!] THIS IS MY MAIN! on Tue, 01 Apr 2008 03:53:00 PST

Random thought of the day. (:

Sparked by, well, the person responsible probably knows who they are. ;)Other than that, my mind tends to wander a tad too far. I will probably still be adding bits and pieces to this here and there, ...
Posted by SophBox iPwn™ [Top 8 Me!] THIS IS MY MAIN! on Sun, 09 Mar 2008 06:18:00 PST

Surgery is tomorrow!

If I know you irl, come visit me. I'm going in tomorrow (19th December or 18th for Americans reading this).Rest of you don't need the details, I will be fine, but if you're one of those people that ha...
Posted by SophBox iPwn™ [Top 8 Me!] THIS IS MY MAIN! on Mon, 17 Dec 2007 03:47:00 PST

My Signs! Make me one. =D

Please make me one. ^_^Feel free to make me signs, just send the plain link in a comment on my page, or in here if you like. Please don't PhotoShop the sign in any way please, actually write it, don't...
Posted by SophBox iPwn™ [Top 8 Me!] THIS IS MY MAIN! on Fri, 26 Oct 2007 06:41:00 PST


I'll reply back on your page just as normal. =]
Posted by SophBox iPwn™ [Top 8 Me!] THIS IS MY MAIN! on Thu, 04 Oct 2007 05:04:00 PST

Banners, layouts and Photoshop REQUESTS!

DO NOT SEND ME SOME STUPID SMALL PICTURE AND EXPECT ME TO PHOTOSHOP IT! The larger the better. Don't send me blurry pictures either, or pictures with half of your face cut out or on stupid angles. C'm...
Posted by SophBox iPwn™ [Top 8 Me!] THIS IS MY MAIN! on Mon, 17 Sep 2007 09:10:00 PST

A reminder of how a person acts socially, including myself.

At times, I have troubles expressing emotion to people I don't know terribly well or have never met in person. Most of the time actually, which is why a lot of people online and in real life see me as...
Posted by SophBox iPwn™ [Top 8 Me!] THIS IS MY MAIN! on Thu, 13 Sep 2007 07:22:00 PST