The Last Song You Will Ever Sing. profile picture

The Last Song You Will Ever Sing.

I am here for Friends

About Me

I love my mates more than anybody else in the world. If you have a problem, then i dont care. :)
I am at Northumbria Uni. Doing Architecture. Fuck all of you who thought i couldnt do it. :)
I like piercings and tattoos. yup. :)
I enjoy randomness. Like the recent spurt of driving round at 5am to invade tescos. :)
I like to do stupid things just for kicks. Like climbing my way round Billingham town centre at 5am. Or contemplating stealing things. Like ducks. :)
I have psychotic tendencies. :)
I occasionally like to reminisce about my childhood. I miss it. :)
I like to be loud and obnoxious and immature with my friends. If this bothers you, none of us care. :)
I hate everybody who isnt a friend of mine, nobody is an exception, unless i make friends with them. :)
I do NOT like scene kids. Or indie kids. or anybody who follows trends because they feel the need to fucking fit in. Get over yourselves already. :)
I know several people who need a fucking slap. To bring them down off their goddam high horses. I happen to have every intention of doing this. :)
I do enjoy arguements. This is due to anger management problems.:)
I do NOT like LIARS. Or CHEATS. You know who the fuck you all are. :)
I am incredibly vain about my hair, i like to have it as good as i can get it, mess it up, and you'll know about it, no im not joking. :)
I am addicted to Mountain Dew. It's the nicest drink ever. :)
I am also addicted to Kick. However drinking it at 5am is not a good idea. :)
I eat stupid amounts of packet pasta. Cos its rocks. :)
I like to think im gods gift to women, i know im not, but you dont have to tell me. :)
I like to annoy people. I think of it as a talent. :)
I like to organise random things in order. Like crayons in colour order. And objects in size order. Its a small case of OCD im sure. :)
I like to walk around looking like im going to kill someone. Dont ask me if theres something wrong, there isnt, if you ask, there will be. :)
I like the letter 'I' :)
I like to bitch, if its about you then its tough. Deal with it. :)
I like random phrases. Such as 'Suck us off' :)
I notice annoying details about everything, if this bothers you, then i dont care. :)
I live in Billingham, it's not a nice place. :)
I like smiley faces. :)
I do not like seeing my friends upset. Whoever upsets them faces dire consequences. Simple. :)
I do not like stuck up wankers. :)
I appear arrogant at first, im not, and never will be. :)
I have the courage to be myself. This is thanks to my awesome friends. :)
I like how i am, if you dont, its tough, i dont care. :)
I enjoy going to the gym. If you dont go, then you should. :)
If i insult you, dont take it personally. If i genuinely dont like you, then do. :)
I hyperactive 24/7. If you dont like it then tough. :)
I do NOT like homophobic people. If you have a problem with me, then i have a problem with you. I dont point out that you're a breeder or heterosexual, so dont point out that im homosexual. Im perfectly aware thank you. :)
I like to fight lots. Its a medical condition im sure. :)
I do have the bestest friends ever. You should be jealous. These amazing people especially:-
I have recently developed a dislike of certain names. :)
I no longer like werewolves. Or bears. Or teeny tiny goats. :)
Cake or Death? Cake. :)
Do not expect me to be on time for anything. Its not going to happen. :)
I dont smile alot. Dont try and make me, i will hate you. :)
Im very defensive about everything and i get annoyed far too easily. :)
I like to make new friends. But dont add me if you arent going to talk to me, its annoying, and makes you look stupid. :) Comment me :D

My Interests

Fire!!! Breathing fire, Eating fire, Body burning, its all good! Learning to do i can eventually twirl fire! Oh and stiltwalking too, kangaroo stilts are especially lots of fun! And when im not being circusy, i love to draw and paint and sculpt :) And spending money i dont have to spend at places like The Crown,and Sumo...which is where i tend to fight lots too. Since its full of scenekids. Mostly those who act like tossers about 99 percent of the time. And when im not out getting drunk and doing things i shouldnt be doing...Im asleep. :D

I'd like to meet:

Some-one like me! totally up for anything...obviously with a brill sense of humour and random....cant beat randomness, its just cool.


Pink...The Used...Paramore...Killswitch Engaged...Hed PE...Lamb Of God...Funeral for a Friend...Fall Out Boy...Nine Inch Nails...Jack off Jill...Queen Adreena...3 Doors Down...Eighteen Visions...Spineshank...The Weekend...Savage Garden...Alkaline trio...Orgy...Tatu...Head automatica...My chemical romance...Drowning Pool...Vanilla Ninja...Rolling stones...New order...Jimmy eat world...Goldfrapp...Korn...Prodigy...Greenday...Avril Lavigne...The Rasmus...No Doubt...Disturbed...Incubus...RA...Whalter...Taking Back Sunday...ICP...The Eurythmics...Test Icicles...Alanis Morissette...AFI...Brand New...The Bravery...The Cranberries...Static X...Mindless Self Indulgence...The Offspring...The Distillers...Muse...Enter Shikari...The Clash...Panic!At The Disco...The Knife...Finch...Celldweller...Powerman 5000...New Found Glory...And the list goes on! ...


Boys Dont Cry...Watership Down...Switchblade Romance...Drop Dead Fred...5ive Girls...Shawn Of The Dead...Hot Fuzz...Near Dark...Seven...Saw...But I'm A Cheerleader...Bound...Pirates Of The Caribbean...The Secret Of Nimh...Mean Girls...28 Days Later...Dog Soldiers...East Is East...Trainspotting...Labrinth...And the list goes on and on!


Living T.V!!! Its the best channel EVER!! The L word...Bad girls...Will and Grace...Buffy...Charmed...Sugar Rush...CSI...Americas next top model...Friends...American Chopper...Hex...Criminal Minds...Spaced


Anything written by James Herbert (legend)...Harry Potters...Dan Brown's novels...Anything on conspiracy theories (although excessive paranoia tends to be induced.)...Most things about Jack the Ripper...Politically correct fairytales,because they make me laugh...and Empire magazine :D


John Carpenter:- His films rock, i mean how many people can make a film about a jar of green water interesting...?

Danny Boyle:- Hes an amazing director. Simple as. Watch trainspotting if you dont believe me.

Anybody to do with Shaun of the Dead. Especially Simon Pegg and Nick Frost.

Eddie Izzard. Hilarious.

Andrew Lloyd Webber:- Even though he is officially the weirdest looking bloke ever, hes a genious.