bRyL profile picture


U caN tUrN oFF d SuN bUt i'm StiLL gOnnA sHiNe

About Me

B Beautiful
R Relaxed
Y Yum
L Lovely hEre'S tHe tHiNg bOut mE:
im the kinda girl who enjoys the company of friends! Although, my life has been busy like hell lately (thesis, deadlines, quizzes, exams, etc), I always find time to hang out with my friends and chill.. I enjoy partying with my galfriends, watching NCAA with my basketball-fanatic bud:nina, hanging out at starbux with ota and company, shopping with my sisters and just laughing my heart out with everybody..
people say I'm crazy most of the time (I only want to enjoy my life to the fullest coz you'll never know when will be your last day on earth!).. I like gimmicks, live bands and stuff but I don't drink nor smoke.. I love listening to relaxing music,especially rnb (top ten fave: gerald levert: closure, babyface: what if, natalie: going crazy, lifehouse: take me away, mariah carey: breakdown, heather headley: I wish I wasn't, mikaila:art of letting go, 311:amber, ray j-one wish, click five-i'll take my chances).. i tune in to these songs when i'm studying, when i get ready for bed, when i get ready for school, when i'm taking a bath, when i'm bored, when i'm doing school work, etc... hehe.. can't live w/o music, they can take away my stress and anxiety in no time..
I'm usually quiet around new people but I can be a blabbermouth too.. I like people who are goofballs, the ones who can make me smile and has plenty of good stories to tell.. I'm no good with advices and stuff coz I really don't want to sink into other people's problem, it's just not my style.. anyway, hohumm (yawn!) i'm getting sleepy.. gotta stop na!! hehe.. tc guyz!
^u^ pEaCe!!

My Interests

cOLLeCtiNg mAgz(mEg! caNdy! seVenTeeN! cHaLk!)---cHiLLiN' wiTh fRiEndz---sLeePoVeRs---pArTeY!!---fAsHiOn tReNdz---LiVe bAskETbaLL gAmeS---LiVe cOncErts---zAgU oR pEaRL cooLeRs---mOviE mArathoN---rOadtRiPs---fOOdtRiPs---

I'd like to meet:

cHiLdhOOd fRieNdz..

feEL fRee tO aDD mE!!

==taKe cAre & eNjOy tHe sHoW..;P==


--oF cOuRse: RnB---SouL---pUnK rOcK---sLow Jamz---bUmP n' gRiNd---aLteRnAtiVe---aCouStiC---


cHiCk fLicKs & SaPPy LoVe mOviES:tHe NotEbooK---SeRendiPitY---10 tHiNgs I hAte bout U---sHe'S aLL tHAt---RoMeo N' JuLiEt(oRigiNaL veRsioN)---tWo caN pLay tHat gAme---hOt cHicK---mY bEstFrieNd's wEddiNg---sO cLoSe---uNdeRcoVer LovE(dAniEL wU!!)---50 fiRst dAtes---hOw To LoSe a GUy in 10 DaYs---LoVe aCtuALLy---cHarLie & tHe chOcoLate fACtoRy---cOuNt oF mOnTe CriSto---


sHopAhOLic TiEs tHe KnOt---sHoPahOLiC aNd SiStEr---aNgeLs & dEmOns---d' aLChemiSt---TwiSted---bReaK-uP diAries---dRamA quEeN---bReaK-uP bOOk---a giRL's gUide To LoVinG yOuRseLf---wiTcH---cHoCoLate for ThE teeN's DreaM---cOnfEssiOns oF a ShoPahoLic---ShOpAhoLiC taKeS mAnhAttAn---cAn yOu kEEp a SecRet---dOn't sWeaT sMaLL sTuFF fOr tEEnS---


hEro- sum1 u look up to.. I gUess tHaT woUld be GoD!!0:)

My Blog

heaven or hell..

hEavEn Or HeLL... I had on new clothes,New sneaks on my feet.I was there for class on time,Went to the back and took my seat.Yeah, I'm moving up,I'm already grown.Soon I'll be graduating,And out on my...
Posted by bRyL on Mon, 06 Mar 2006 08:28:00 PST

HoW giRLie Are U?

You Are a Total Girlie Girl You love looking good, and wooing men with your womanly ways. You're so feminine, men are in awe of you ... which is a very good thing. ...
Posted by bRyL on Sat, 04 Feb 2006 08:59:00 PST

WhaT kInd oF giRL aRe u?

You are a City Girl! Whether you live in the city or not, you've got the heart of a city girl. You're up on the latest trends - what's hot in music, food, and fashion. And you love to be on th...
Posted by bRyL on Sat, 04 Feb 2006 08:55:00 PST

Are yOu a ChaLLeNge?

Men See You As: A Difficult Challenge You must be an incredible hottie... Because it's the only way you can pull of the ice queen act You're the type of woman that men love to chase But if you...
Posted by bRyL on Sat, 04 Feb 2006 08:53:00 PST

WhaT KiNd oF "EX" aRe U??

You Are a Friendly Ex While the guys you've dated haven't been perfect, you've kept most as friends In fact, one or two of your exes may be your best friends - after all, they know you best An...
Posted by bRyL on Fri, 03 Feb 2006 06:16:00 PST

HoW do MeN see You??

Men See You As Choosy Men notice you light years before you notice them You take a selective approach to dating, and you can afford to be picky You aren't looking for a quick flirt - but a mem...
Posted by bRyL on Fri, 03 Feb 2006 06:12:00 PST

What kiNd of A giRLfriEnd Are U?

You Are A Professional Girlfriend! You are the perfect girlfriend - big surprise! Heaven knows you've had enough practice. That's why you're a total pro. If there was an Emily Post of girlfrie...
Posted by bRyL on Fri, 03 Feb 2006 06:10:00 PST

wAt dO gUys LiKe aBouT mE??:P

Guys Like That You're Sensitive And not in that "cry at a drop of a hat" sort of way You just get most guys - even if you're not trying to Guys find it is easy to confide in you and tell you ...
Posted by bRyL on Fri, 03 Feb 2006 05:31:00 PST

aRt oF LetTiNg gO!

It's over hes gone... why do we have to part ways while the love is still there? Why do we have to suffer? Why do we have to cry when someone bids goodbye? Why do beginnings have an end? Why do we me...
Posted by bRyL on Sat, 15 Oct 2005 07:27:00 PST