FIRST OF ALL I HOPE YA KNOW BLESSED HARMONY RE 2 LADIES !!!lolzIn middle of 2007 Blessed Harmony the former gurls of "Delicious" started to do music. Lionie n her friend Rita decided 2 do a group after they couldnt show they're talent in the school band!! After the decision to started a group the name "Delicious" cross they're mind and so the called themself "Delicious".
Rita hadnt had enough time becos she was attendin bordin school so the search for an third groupmember and thought of they're old friend Trisha . Through "Trisha" Latoya and Elvi was introduced to the ladies n they begann "Delicious" with 4 ladies. But after sum few months Latoya n Trisha left becos of missunderstandin. So Elvi and Lionie went on.This ladies are funny,beautiful and friendly n there re just 16 YEARS OLD ( now lion is 17). Music is they re live . They're dream is it to perform on stage n make people happy with they're songs.
They thank God and KingSizeBeatz for everythin....