Love Me
Hate Me
I I'm a freak I'm creative and spontaneous I'm really openminded I have a thing for lips and eyes I tend to be quiet but when you get to know me I can be the funniest girl I like to do crazy stuff and act like a goof with my friends I'm a really honest person I block out emotions, don't blame me I just don't like getting hurt I'm very down earth Sometimes i get sad about everything Yeah I cry sometimes...but i try not to I can be really talktative but I can be a really boring person I'm a good listener I'm Catholic so what???...I'm not here to change your beliefs...You can believe in everything you want...i don't really give a shit I'm a sweet girl but i have an evil side too I only give respect to those people who respect themselves and respect others I couldn't care less if you didnt like me I have a lot of pride so if u do something to hurt my feelings don't expect me to talk to u again If you hurt or touch any of my friends or my family...hell yeah I'm gonna kill you I'm not shallow I'm not arrogant I'm not selfish I'm not a liar I'm not cool I'm not as good as u think I am I'm not a drama Queen, I'm The Queen of Fucking Maggots I'm not afraid of death, I just don't want to die alone I'm not anti-social, I'm just a really shy girl Don't call me pesimistic I'm just a very realistic girl I had bad temper like everybody else, c'mon we're not happy 24/7 and i If u say u are well are faking
Virgos are creative, delicate, and intelligent. The Virgo personality is marked by a very sharp intellect which is used to analyze the natural order of things.
Virgos love to have everything in order, but are also patient.
Some people may think that you are a cold person, because you rarely show your emotions. You also have a lot of charm and dignity, although you may not have many friends, due to your troubles with showing your feelings.
With Virgo, it's all in the details and doing things right. The caring and romantic Virgin knows that the small things in life and love do matter.
Virgos are some of the most complex and interesting people.
Sometimes overcritical and harsh with themselves.
Love comes to Virgo slowly, carefully and sweetly, and the desire to learn all about their lover makes Virgos some of the best lovers if they are approached correctly. A Virgo in love is a relaxed and confident soul, and can do anything.
Virgos dislike crowds and noise, brash and unruly people, slang, vulgarity, slovenliness, dirty surfaces, people who whine and complain a lot, sitting still for a long time while doing nothing constructive, disrupted schedules, being obligated to others, people who move their personal things about, hypocrisy and deceit, any admission of weakness or failure, and bright primary colors.
In their urge to categorize the mechanics of life and forces that hold them together, Virgos can become obsessed with the notion of order. Anything that upsets this harmony and understanding potentially exposes them to fear of the unknown.
Virgos are typically labeled as perfectionists.
Virgo as a friend can provide true sincerity, and what one might tell them in confidence, they will keep as the most confidential secret.
As a friend Virgo radiated with trustworthiness and loyalty, and provides a good and a reliable support in life.
Although they may seem shy, introverted and self-conscious on the surface, Virgos blossom and relax once love comes their way.
Virgos sometimes find it hard to show their love. They have a thoughtful approach, and always look before they leap, analyzing all the possible consequences of a relationship.
Virgos prefer to show their love in small gestures and are cautious in the extreme about making a first move. They are also often far too down-to-earth to be swept away.
Virgo's major life lesson is to learn to trust in and have faith in the unknown. They have to understand that things in life happen for a reason that is not always known to them, they do not have to always know everything. They need to learn to calm down and not over-analyze a situation or event.
When is Virgo is offended or hurt, they may never show it.
I This ShitGoth guys and metalheads
Ann Varney
Horror Movies
Black & Purple color
Knives and Sharp Things
Black Eyeliner
Black Fingernail Polish
Rainy & Cloudy days
Creeepy Things
Black & Long Hair
Reading about Nazism, Hitler and Serial Killers
I love every single one of my friends more than anything in the world.
They mean everything to me
Mexican Food
Italian Food
Dr. Pepper
Dead Corpses
Video Games
Surgery stuff
This Shit
My Obsession
Tim Skold