Heaven Invades Earth
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The Lord Jesus Christ,
Those who are radical for Jesus and His Kingdom.
(Some think few do)
To meet people who want to know truth and not theology
Truth is not a idea, philosophy or concept. It is a person Himself the Lord Jesus Christ
Theology is the study of God. You can study about God all day and never meet Him.
I am more into KNEEOLOGY, that is were we talk with God and he talks with us.
That is the cool thing about being a born again believer. God speaks. He has a voice. Jesus Himself said my sheep know my voice and another he will not follow. Religion does not speak now, it always talks about what God said and never what He is saying now
Oh yea this is about who I would like to meet.
Anyone and everyone who is sick and tired or tired and sick of what man has to say and is interested and what God is saying and what God wants to do and is willing to pay the price.
I am not putting anyone down but I am not a conformist, I am a transformist. I believe and want to meet people who are tired of the status quo and believe that Jesus is more powerful than the Devil and are not worried about when the anti Christ is coming back. NO they are more about being about the Father's business when the Lord comes back.
I am not an escapist, by this I mean I am not looking for the rapture. I believe in it but am not looking for people who are just concerned about being rapture ready. I am about engaging culture and discipling nations. I want to meet people who believe that we have the power of God available to us to disciple nations not evacuate before all hell breaks loose. We are suppose to bind hell anyway. I am not saying that things in the earth will not be easy or trouble or wars and rumors of wars will not happen. It will. Jesus said so. What I am saying is Jesus is not coming to rescue us from the Devil. He is coming back for a BRIDE not an old broke down hag. But a BRIDE without spot or wrinkle. A BRIDE full of His glory clothed in His majesty. A BRIDE who can raise the dead, cast out devils, heal the sick. Influence kings and queens with the truth of the word of God and disciple nations as Jesus said we are too.
I am not looking for people who just want to promote their book or record or whatever it is that people want to promote in the name of their vision.
I do want to meet men and women who want to generate wealth to see poverty broken off of nations and see the Kingdom of God established in cities, regions and territories.
As you can see I am different, I do not make excuses for who I am and do not desire to offend for the sake of being arrogant. That I do not. But I do know WHOSE I am, and WHO I am based on this and hope you do also and if you do not that you will.
Last but not least I want to meet people who celebrate life and not death, people who are desperate to be filled with Holy Spirit and not the wisdom of man. That would probably say it all desperate to be full of Kingdom vision and earthly purpose.
Thats who I would like to meet
Jason Upton You are not alone
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