I'm intereseted in the lives of youth and young adults - ages 13-35. We're living like my boy the Apostle Paul said in Romans 8:15 - For what I am doing, I do not understand, For what I will to do, that I do not practice; but what I hate, that I do. So, it's time out for the faking and shaking and plant seeds into our youth.......
2008! It's our Time, it's our Moment. CHANGE - YES I CAN!I'd like to meet Oprah Winfrey, Jamie Foxx, Kanye West, and Lyfe. However, I'd be content if I never had the opportunity to meet anyone of the individuals, because they've shared their lives with us through the media. BUT, the One that I want to see, can't wait to see, would give me life to see, is JESUS CHRIST. He gave His SINLESS life for my life of SIN that I might be made free. So, for that I love Him unconditionally. Jesus is the person that I'd like to meet FACE to FACE.
The Threshing Floor, Matters of the Heart, Coldest Winter Ever, Drawn to Destiny, Deal With It - You Cannot Conquer What You Won't Confront, and the best one ever The BIBLE.
Jesus, my mother and father, their parents, their parents, and so on and so on.