Ephesus profile picture



About Me

Lots of us have had really bad experiences with churches and people who call themselves "Christians." Because of that, a group of us decided to start a new kind of service that would try to approach Christianity and church in a different way. Ephesus is that service. We meet on SUNDAY NIGHTS at 6pm at Southside Church.We are a community of all ages that tries to explore and grow in the Christian experience through music, art, teachings, multimedia, interaction and other activities. Southside Church is located at Rt. 288 and Courthouse Rd, check out EPHESUSREVOLUTION.ORG for more information.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Anyone and everyone!


For whatever reason, music speaks to the soul in a way that few things ever can. It can invigorate us, allow us to be reflective, guide us into worship, show us our frailties, move us to tears- and it can do all of these things in a moment, working in different individuals in variant and beautiful ways. Because of this, Ephesus has a large emphasis on music and allows it to be one of the primary vehicles for our worship. Influences include: David Crowder, U2, Shane & Shane, Coldplay, Jimmy Eat World, Jars of Clay, Chris Tomlin, Hillsong United... and others.


Hotel Rwanda - an excellent film. Truly redemptive and exemplary of love, self-sacrifice and mercy. Always taking suggestions.


"A New Kind of Christian," Brian McLaren/ "Velvet Elvis," Rob Bell/ "Blue Like Jazz" & "Searching for God Knows What," Donald Miller/ "The Divine Conspiracy," Dallas Willard/ "The Return of the Prodigal," Henry Nowen/ ANYTHING by C.S. Lewis

My Blog


So after months of intense thinking, our own DJ Glisson has taken a horrible website and turned it into something beautiful. Check out the official re-launch:www.ephesusrevolution.org
Posted by Ephesus on Tue, 27 Feb 2007 08:33:00 PST

small revelation

I think all of us have this desire to be completely unique. I'm not saying this is a bad desire, but I think we find some sort of identity in the fact that we're unique. Maybe it gives us value, or ma...
Posted by Ephesus on Fri, 09 Jun 2006 09:42:00 PST

DC takeaways

Just returned from the inagural Buzz Conference in Washington, DC.There were some glitches, but overall a good experience. Extreme kudos on the Film Festival.Several takeaways for me:1 - Get away on a...
Posted by Ephesus on Thu, 01 Jun 2006 11:30:00 PST

further thoughts

Is it just me, or do we seem to live in "vs." culture? Red vs Blue. Liberal vs Conservative. Immigrant vs Citizen. Church vs "The Culture." Evangelicals vs Gays. Modern vs Postmodern. Seeker-Sensitive...
Posted by Ephesus on Thu, 18 May 2006 10:49:00 PST

Help Wanted--Digital & Media

We are in need of people to spearhead our digital team and our media team. Currently, those teams have 0 members, as the two people working on them have moved out of state. Digital would include work...
Posted by Ephesus on Sun, 07 May 2006 07:16:00 PST

the blog return

So it's been a while since anyone has blogged here...in fact, we've only had a single blog, so I think we may actually start a weekly post. In that spirit, here we go... So I'm standing outside after ...
Posted by Ephesus on Sat, 06 May 2006 02:45:00 PST

Blood Water Mission- from an Ephesus community member

Did you know that for less than the price of buying a diet coke or a dasani at your local 7-11 you can provide clean water for an African to drink for an entire year? Perhaps the most pressing conc...
Posted by Ephesus on Wed, 09 Nov 2005 08:33:00 PST