Anyone and everyone!
For whatever reason, music speaks to the soul in a way that few things ever can. It can invigorate us, allow us to be reflective, guide us into worship, show us our frailties, move us to tears- and it can do all of these things in a moment, working in different individuals in variant and beautiful ways. Because of this, Ephesus has a large emphasis on music and allows it to be one of the primary vehicles for our worship. Influences include: David Crowder, U2, Shane & Shane, Coldplay, Jimmy Eat World, Jars of Clay, Chris Tomlin, Hillsong United... and others.
Hotel Rwanda - an excellent film. Truly redemptive and exemplary of love, self-sacrifice and mercy. Always taking suggestions.
"A New Kind of Christian," Brian McLaren/ "Velvet Elvis," Rob Bell/ "Blue Like Jazz" & "Searching for God Knows What," Donald Miller/ "The Divine Conspiracy," Dallas Willard/ "The Return of the Prodigal," Henry Nowen/ ANYTHING by C.S. Lewis