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Mona Vie is a delicious and energizing blend of the brazilian acai berry- one of natures top super-foods and other nutrient dense fruits. Developed with the philosophy of balance variety moderation Mona Vie products deliver the phytonutrients and antioxidants you need to maintain a healthy and active lifestyle. Mona Vie Active Juice contains the additional benefits of glucosamine and esterified fatty acids to help maintain healthy joint fuction.
The blend: acai, apricot, aronia, acerola, purple grape, passion fruit, camu camu, banana, lychee fruit, nashi pear, kiwi, pomegranate, prune, wolfberry, pear, bilberry, cranberry, blueberry, white grape.
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On the Oprah show in late 2004,the Acai Berry was named by world famous health and beauty doctor Dr. Nicholas Perricone, MD, as one of the Top 10 Superfoods in the world. In his newest bestseller book The Perricone Promise, he calls the Acai the most perfect food on the planet.and 2008 with dr oz calling it the #1 product for beautiful skin.
In a segment aired on NBC's Today Show, the Acai Berry was called The Viagra of the Amazon.
The Wall Street Journal, Men's Journal, Health Sciences Institute and The Washington Post have also lauded the Acia Berry.
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