A hip hop fiend trying to make a living from a passion..
I currently manage Sydney's premier hip hop store - SOUL CLAP RECORDS (www.soulclaprecords.com.au).I write for a number of magazines including STEALTH (Hands down one of the best hip hop mags out - www.stealthmag.com) and I write a regular column on Australian hip hop for 3dworld Magazine called NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH(www.threedworld.com.au). I was awarded "Australian Hip Hop Journalist of the year" last year in the annual www.ozhiphop.com awards. I do some work for EARSHOT MUSIC (www.earshot-music.com) here and there and I also DJ around Sydney playing only the finest hip hop. I used to host the infamous STOLEN RECORDS radio show on FBi radio too but I'm taking a break from that for a while..I loooove buying records and sneakers - too much sometimes (just ask VISA), but it's worth it..
My Interests
Hip hop! But also pretty much any music of black origin - funk, soul, reggae...