Safet profile picture



About Me

Biografie: Safet wurde am 06.03.1976 in Leninabad (Tadschikistan) geboren. Seit seinem 15. Lebensjahr komponiert und textet er Lieder. Er hat für viele jugoslawische und türkische Künstler komponiert. Safet lebt seit 1988 in Stuttgart (Deutschland). In seiner Musik spiegeln sich Einflüsse aus Balkan, Orient, Kaukasus und Europa wieder. Safet hat drei Kinder aus erster Ehe.
Biografija:Safet je 06.03.1976 u Leninabadu rodjen. Vec od svoje 15.te godine komponuje i pise pjesme. Komponovao je za mnogobrojene Jugoslavenske i Turske muzicare. Safet zivi od 1988 godine u stuttgartu (Njemackoj). U njegovim pjesmama se oslikavaju dogadjanja sa Balkana,Orienta,Kaukasusa i Evrope. Safet ima troje djece iz prvog braka.
Biography: Safet was born on the 6th of march in 1976 in Leninabad (Tajikistan). Ever since his 15. birthday he was composing and texting songs. He has composed for lots of jugoslavian and turkish musicians. Since 1988 Safet has been living in Stuttgart (Germany). His music represents influences from the Balkan, Orient, Caucasus and Europe. Safet has 3 children from his first marriage. real editor best profile tools real editor best profile tools
How I made my profile:
I used Dave & Jay's amazing myspace profile editor .

My Interests


Member Since: 2/4/2008
Band Members: Administration/Inhalt des Profils: Dejan " Bozznier87 "
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None