Karl profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

Im a layed back guy..LOL(don't they all say that?) who believes humor and good friends get you thru life. Dad to 3 kids..youngest is 16...I've been divorced since 95. Photography is a love of mine. I have over 100 photos on an online stock photo site. I never really cared how many I sold. I like to share what I see. I've been places many will never go. On my journeys into the back country I've learned one very important thing... never throw rocks at a Grizzly bear. Have fun..live real..time is short. I use to think I was indecisive but now Im not so sure.. Im on My Space to meet new ppl and keep in touch with ones I already know. I feel we take too much time focusing on the petty things in life trying to maintain the standings of our own little worlds. Ive had my hardships and heart breaks. Some know them but I dont talk about them much. I'd rather not dwell..it's too damn depressing..LOL Sanity is the only thing keeping me from going insane!!!..if you have children..hold them close. They might not be here tomorrow. Cherish their innocense..it will soon fade. I've experienced both and can only wish I was the last one to do so.
Amor est vitae essentia
Nil desperandum
Tempus fugit
Carpe diem

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Myspace Layouts at Pimp-My-Profile.com / Dark dragon

This profile was edited with Zeebler Editor

My Interests

I'm a Polar Bear club member,photography,hiking,woodworking,history,cooking,BBQing ..I never get tired of bbqing....Music is important to me. There was a time I worked in the music industry..then I'd go home and play my guitar. I do miss those days.
I can be deeply spiritual or I can be silly. Photography and music is where I find my muse. Here are a few of my photographs.

I'd like to meet:

I like to meet real people who arent afraid to have flaws. Im open minded so I can take a lot..LOL I'm always willing to concider a new friend.

Paper friends deserve their fate..BWWWAAAHHAAHAAAHHAAA!!


Dream Theater,Queensryche,Ynis Vitrin,The Reasoning,Cross Fade,Yes,Robert Cray,Seb Solo,Metallica,Loreena McKennitt,Ice House,Evenescence,Iron Maiden,Kansas Audioslave,Hendrix,Alice in Chains,Second Coming,Chicago,Deep purple,Styx,Joe Satriani,Yngwie Malmsteen,Tool,Soundgarden,Judas Priest,Ramstien,Skidrow,Eric Johnson,Enya,Shooting Star,Project Planet P,Saxon,Monster Magnet,Alan Parsons project,smooth jazz or Gregorian chant if I'm it the mood.

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Dune,Lord of the rings,Highlander,King Arthur,Pink Panther movies,The Patriot,Braveheart,Band of brothers,Gladiator,The Odyssey,The big lebowski,Legend,The Bourne Identity,The Bourne Supremacy.WEEEEEEEE!!!!!
I received 78 credits on
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John Doe,Stargate SG1 and Atlantis,House,Scrubs,Prison Break,Law and Order(I need balance..lol)Babylon 5,Star Trek,History Channel,Farscape,E-ring,4400, National geographic,Bones,Venture Brothers


Piers Anthony (Xanth novels) and books on history. I've read the Bible a few times over as well.


Jesus,Hannibal of Carthage,Julius Caesar,Artorius Castus,William Wallace,Sparticus,General George Washington,Colonel Daniel Morgan,General Nathaniel Greene,Abraham Lincoln,Capt.James Riley,General George Patton..and many more.

My Blog

Spider bite

I had an interesting couple of days here.Yesterday I grabbed a load of firewood and felt a pinch like I got poked with a sharp piece of wood. Then it hurt and started itching really bad.I thought I'd ...
Posted by Karl on Thu, 17 Apr 2008 07:59:00 PST

The Muse and the Metaphor

This morning I was awoken by a muse who sent me floating down a stream,chasing a dream created by a stranger and initiated by a common thought and desire. I searched for those who would swim with...
Posted by Karl on Sat, 19 Jan 2008 08:16:00 PST

Sounds of the soul

I use to wonder why I would be drawn to some people right away and draw back from some as quickly.Once long ago while listening to music I heard a thought.From where it came I'm not sure.This thought ...
Posted by Karl on Wed, 11 Oct 2006 12:20:00 PST

The Naked Man

After last nights somewhat depressing attempt at a first blog..I thought I'd try a lighter approach.  God decided to test me one morning (as he does..or she which ever you may prefer)by sending a...
Posted by Karl on Sat, 03 Jun 2006 09:53:00 PST

Quo Vadis

Im writing this so I can say I have a blog. Quo Vadis..Quo Vadis means in latin "Where are you going? Nil desperandum,tempus fugit,carpe diem..Never despair,time flies..seize the day These words in l...
Posted by Karl on Fri, 02 Jun 2006 11:56:00 PST