is the music and idea's found inside the mind of Christopher Tompkins. Its a mixture of essential elements including, heavy guitar and bass riffs, fierce drumwork, ethereal keyboard textures and vocal passages which range from clean, melodic vocals to dirty, aggressive "rip your face off" gutoral screams.
All of the material under the name Pro-Aggression is written, performed* and recorded by Christopher Tompkins. (*the song "A Premonition"(for you) has Justin Sasser performing the bass guitar*) Chris started the Pro-Aggression project in December of 2000 when he realised how theraputic it could be to get your emotions out, through writing and recording this type of music. It is evident that the first P-A album has a few "venting" moments on it for Chris vocally. Also there are some songs that are total fiction. Songs like "Father Picard", "Insanity" and "Hunt...Kill...Devour. are horrific, dark tales about a childs stolen innocense, suicide attempts and murder. But not all of P-A's lyrical content is dark and gloomy. There are also moments when you can almost feel the human sensitivety put into the words and thier delivery. Topics about love, family and friendship. There is definately something for everyone in the music and lyrics.
If you havent discovered Pro-Aggression yet, give it a listen and you will find something in it you will enjoy I'm sure.