AHHh whiskey...tequilla..beer..vodka..those are my main interests .. all my gurls your hot and well thats just how we are ..
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HAHAH COURTNEY BRYANS... lol oh shiit son i already met dat gurl..ohh well all meet her again ..i fuking love her..she is da shit..lol.. .com"..
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country,punk,ahah emo music,rock,
ahh the notebook, four brothers, the little mermaid, drop dead fred..save the last dance,center stage, honey and spangish.. click.. larry the cable guy health inspector.. thats my movie fedish these days ..
ahh one tree hill..lol.. 8 simple rules. and ahh whati like about you.. my wife and kidsBLUE COLLARD COMEDY TOUR!
Cosmopalitan, Track side,ahah other then that i dont read books..
Grama Thring, your always there for me even in the dumbest moments of my life and never tell me im a disappoitment and i know you will always love me no matter what..