roxana profile picture


if it never ends then when do we start...

About Me

so much to say in such a small space if you wanna know, just ask!
R Rare
O Odd
X X-BoxHueg
A Astonishing
N Normal
A Arty
Name / Username:

Name Acronym Generator
From Go-Quiz.commy thoughts... rare....sure ok. odd...yea you could say that. x-boxhueg...what is this? seriously! astonishing... am I?. normal...i wouldn't say that. arty...ok, i guess
Your Icecream Flavour is...
Cookies 'n Cream! Smooth and creamy with a few rough bits mixed in, you are a real treat! You are probably very popular amongst your friends. Remember too much of a good thing is not always good! Don't lay it on too thick! What is your Icecream Flavour?
Find out at Go Quiz I love cookies & yummy!

adopt your own virtual pet! DONT FORGET TO FEED MY FISH

My Interests

pilates, poleates( you're curious), music, hanging out with friends, going to the beach, hiking, camping and other outdoor activities, traveling

I'd like to meet:

You of course! or anyone with a good sense of humor ( after all, laughter is the shortest distance between two people)... or perhaps someone thats adventurous... how about someone that can captivate me intellectually..? or am I just asking too much? more ramblingGet MySpace Layouts from nUCLEArcENTURy .COM OR create your own using MySpace profile editor !!!
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Too many to list here...


Pirates of the Caribbean; Robin Hood: Men in tights; Sin City, Love actually, Oceans 11,The Holiday...this list goes on


Grey's Anatomy, Ugly Betty, Desperate Housewives


Dan Brown - The Da Vinci Code; Dan Brown - Deception Point; J.K Rowling - Harry Potter series; Grishham - The Broker

My Blog

How many UC students does it take to change a lightbulb?

How many UC students does it take to change a lightbulb?UCLA: Two. 1 to change the bulb, and another to call their friends at USC and tell them how they changed it just as well and for much cheaper.CA...
Posted by roxana on Mon, 02 Apr 2007 08:33:00 PST