kylie profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !

My Interests

love me * hate me * fuck me * kill me * kiss me * stab me * * Get your own Custom NavBar Here I adopted a cute lil' poison fetus from Fetusmart! Hooray fetus!


-KOTTONMOUTH KINGS -GrEeN DaY -sUm 41 -FiNcH -mY cHeMiCaL rOmAnCe -ThE uSeD -3 DaYs GrAcE -mEtAlLiCa -InCuBuS LoSt PrOpHeTs sToRy Of ThE yEaR mAtChBoX rOmAnCe CrOsSfAdE tHe BrAvErY cHeVeLlE mUsE tHe DiStIlLeRs HoT hOt HeAt MaRiLyN mAnSoN aS i LaY dYiNg HIM aCcEpTaNcE wHiTe StRiPeS bEaStIe BoYs ThE oFfSpRiNg PeArL jAm aLl AmErIcAn ReJeCtS qUeEnS oF tHe StOnE aGe ArMoR fOr SlEeP -bRaNd NeW -tSuNaMi BoMb, NiNe InCh NaIlS -tHe CeAsErS -sAvEs ThE dAy -PeRfEcT cIrClE -mArS vOlTa -NeW fOuNd GlOrY -uNwRiTtEn LaW -aLiEn AnT fArM -tHe KiLlErS -hOoBaStAnK -fRoM fIrSt To LaSt -SeNsEs FaIl -sAoSiN
Video code provided by Music Video Codes


family guy...futurama...the simpsons...laguna videos...spongebob bears...blues clues...the favorite t.v. channels are fox and fuse and mtv
