catherine profile picture


I don't like this air but that doesn't mean I'll stop breathing it!

About Me

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My Interests

drinking, getting into trouble, more drinking, dancing. finding new and interesting ways to use saran wrap, Your mom, traveling (when i can afford it) spreading sunshine and disease everywhere i go.

I'd like to meet:

You are "A Dog Named Jesus"

Which Mark Ryden Painting Are You?
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Dating & Relationship Advice
MySpace Layouts


radiohead,interpol,david bowie, chokebore, adam ant, built to spill, modest mouse, the cure, siouxie, blond redhead, the verve, richard ashcroft, rolling stones, the beatles,NIN, Wolfshiem( shut up they're fun to dance to) concrete blonde, the cars, smashing pumpkins,the shins,echo and the bunnymen,coldplay, peaches, t-rex, lords, and your mom!!!!


The big lebowski( a must see if you live in LA),mary poppins, holy grail, igby goes down ( not a porno) amalie,ect.
You Are Scary
You even scare scary people sometimes! How Scary Are You?I am 78% Evil Genius.
.. I am pure evil. I lie awake at night devising schemes of world domination, and I will not rest until all living souls bend to my will. Take the
Evil Genius Test
@ FualiDotCom


only the simpsons and family guy the rest is crappy fillerI am 78% Ska.
.. Pick it up, I skank! I am one full-fledged crazy Rudie, I am going to go celebrate my victory with some skankin'! Take the
Ska Test
@ FualiDotCom


You Are Rum

You're the life of the party, and a total flirt You are also pretty picky about what you drink Only the finest labels and best mixed cocktails will do Except if you're dieting - then it's Diet Coke and Bicardi all the way What alcoholic drink are you?Pirates kick ninja ASS!!!!!!!!!!


my grandma and of course Robert Evans because one day he will save us!

My Blog

I hate dylan!!

You've been tagged! (Read my blog for Rules)Rules:Each player of this game starts with '6 weird/different things/habits about you'. People who get tagged need to write a blog of their 6 things & s...
Posted by catherine on Sun, 05 Nov 2006 11:12:00 PST

fuck the bridal march i'm using this.... The ultimate cheese.. i mean love song

Love of mine some day you will die But I'll be close behind I'll follow you into the dark No blinding light or tunnels to gates of white Just our hands clasped so tight Waiting for the hint of a spark...
Posted by catherine on Wed, 25 Jan 2006 04:52:00 PST

a message to wastes of space

you wasted life, why wouldn't you waste death!
Posted by catherine on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


I've been here 3 years and I'm tired of people! The End
Posted by catherine on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

tin cup of pudding

Do you remember when chocolate pudding came in a tin cup? It was soooo good not like this imitation jello pudding crap. It was so fudgy and yummy mmmmmmmm!
Posted by catherine on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

party girl!!!

you know you're headed down a strange path when the movie party girl gets you all misty eyed.... MY GOD I THINK A PART OF ME JUST DIED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by catherine on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST