everytime i karate chop, an angel gets its wings profile picture

everytime i karate chop, an angel gets its wings


About Me

One of my goals in life is to raise a small army of attack hamsters. They're the perfect weapon.
you let your guard down looking over the small sea of adorable fuzz balls gathering around your feet. but before you know it. BLAM! one comes busting out of your chest alien-style and then you'll know.
oh, yes, you'll know
i like to buy travel size foods...
...and then eat them at home
i don't like drugs, mostly because i know what they can do to you. yeah you're gonna have fun in the moment, but i already suffer from a social deficiency. i need my brain cells.
to ensure my brain continues to function, i base most of my spending on the fact that no one wants their vices on their monthy statement. yes, because drug dealers probably won't take debit, i never carry cash. i'm going to make one of those anti drug commercials "my anti drug (insert picture of my empty wallet here)"
my inner me
thank monica
Background care of sabrina yes i blame her for my spiffy page
my quiz .
I Demand all comment here instantly OR FEEL MY WRATH
by commenting here i accept gig as my one true master

My Interests

i wish i had some. sadly this isn't a joke

I'd like to meet:

i wish i could find someone who looked exactly like me. so i could tell them how good i think they look people like mostly for lines like"you cannot escape the clutches of my asshole."


there is only...



my collecting is growing.wanna know my interests check the collection


i am now without cablelocal nightly news has never been so painful


Things you should definatly readHam on Rye and Post Office by BukowskiAsk The Dust and Road to Los Angeles by FanteAmerica: The Book by John Stewart


The more and more i think about it, I'm starting to think it's me ..

My Blog

blog adaptaion of my cursive forum post

alright so now that i've had a chance to get everything in order here's my backstage story. after the good life finished up their fantastic set (set list and pictures pending), i set off to complete ...
Posted by everytime i karate chop, an angel gets its wings on Sun, 28 Oct 2007 10:18:00 PST

do it

Posted by everytime i karate chop, an angel gets its wings on Fri, 24 Feb 2006 04:16:00 PST

so i scared a monster

let it be known that october 22, 2005 was the first time gig went to knott's scary farm. whoooo it was a fun night pretty much thanks to my friend theresa. her offering to go with me pretty much help...
Posted by everytime i karate chop, an angel gets its wings on Mon, 24 Oct 2005 11:03:00 PST

random rant i copied from my post in a group

personally i think boobs are god's little joke on the world. just think about the desire for boobs then think about what will happen to said boobs when the lady is somewhere around her late 40's. if t...
Posted by everytime i karate chop, an angel gets its wings on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST