I like pretty much any kind of music. I listen to everything from Country to Classical to Smooth Jazz to Heavy Metal and Classic Rock. I don't think I could ever classify my music taste into just one category.
My most favorite shows would have to be CSI-Las Vegas, SVU, Closer, House is an excellent one, but so is Grey's Anantomy.
Dean Koontz is my favorite author. I read an excellent one not too long ago called Blue Smoke, don't remember the author but it was good. It takes me forever to read a book but I make time :)
My hero would be my step-mom. This woman could not have loved me more if I was her bio-child. I give her great credit for the person I am today. I am happy that she still went on to marry my father after the hell I gave her the first time I met her! She is a wonderfully loving person and I blame her for my soft heart for animals & my cleaning pet peeves!