Ashlyn profile picture


**I'll b a slave 4 u always stay craving you**

About Me

Hi mah name is Ashlyn, but everyone calls me Ash. I have brown hair, but im gettin blonde highlights soon! Im not a slut, but I do like to have FuN! Im a wild n crazy! lol Im preppy, ghetto, punk, but mostly Im just SEXY! lol I can show you how to have good time! Mah bestest friend in da hole wide world is Shanana wich is pronounced as sha-na-na, but I just call her sha bird! lol Yes shes black too! lol I have mad sex with her every night! just playin I dont swing dat way, but I will if you want me 2! j/p! I love 4-wheelin and playing softball! Im rich and high class, but I only date the BAD BOYS! Im also home schooled because im rich and school is 4 lame people! I hate lame people! Haha I hate girls who think they r all that, because I'll be tha first to tell them they are NOT! L0L ummm yeah I love haggin wif mah FrIeNdZ and Sha-na-na! I love her! :) lol! I LOVE BOYS! I turn heads where eva I go and im the hottest little hoe there is ya know! L0L Hahah this is so me! lol

My Interests

*buying panties*buying bras*buying sex toys! lol just playin*SHOPING!*Havin fun!*BoYz*boyz*MeN*Sexy men*sexy girls*sexy women*lol*lol*Takin pictures*talkin on da phone*Having phone sex lol*being mah self*dancing*kissin*huggin*talkin*music*movies*lookin at porn magz! ju playin*boyz*men*boyz*opps i fogot boys! ;)*

I'd like to meet:

Jus sum Damn hot ass GuYz!


*I listen 2 rock, rap, r&b, pop, country, yeah u get the picture! duhhh ashyln listens 2 everything! lol*


~I love tha movie "girls gone wild!" LOL but really yeah I go to da movies all the time but it's really not mah kindof thing, it's like waste of time unless I have a BOY with me 2 keep me interested~


BET and MTV and thats all I watch! lol laguna beach and more other thingys!


Me read ha thats funny!


Mah hero is God and muh 3 brothers and 4 sisters! mah mom and dad too! o yeah on sha bird! luv her!