Anastasia profile picture


She's a bugeater

About Me

I've been involved with the Conservative party for almost two years now and during that time I have been on an amazing journey through so many different avenues of politics. I started out as Chairwoman of Midlothian Conservative Future and was heavily invovled with the Scottish Conservative Party as well as Conservative Future Scotland. Then in June 2007 I moved to Horsham in England and became Deputy Chairwoman to Horsham and Crawley Conservative Future, then recently (December) I became chairman and am now looking to begin a mass regeneration project on HCCF. Outside of my work with CF/CFS, I'm also very involved in anti-homophobia groups and my proudest achievement to date is directing and co-founding LGBTory, a pro-LGBT think tank within the party which aims to dispell the idea of a homophobic Conservative Party. It has been a great success and we are now progressing on to selecting representatives right aross the country. As well as that I driect a project called Scotland Votes Too alongside the chairman of CFS, which aims to increase communication between CFS and CF as a means of supporting the union and furthering the Conservative vote in Scotland.

Since arriving in England I have decided to run as a candidate for Conservative Future Executive. As part of my campaign to be elected to Conservative Future NME, I have decided to try and reach as many people as I can through as many avenues as possible; myspace is just another one of those avenues. For this purpose I am turning my profile page in to another branch of my campaign.

The past executive have done great things and must be respected for that, however it is not enough. We are looking at a general election in 2009 - the Conservative party MUST be ready in every way, shape and form, and that includes CF. CF MUST be ready to help this party win a general election!

My manifesto consists of 4 basic proposals...

1) Better communication
2) More activism opportunities.
3) Increased element of teamwork between CF EXEC and CF members.
4) Union - more support for CFS (conservative future scotland).

And in the coming weeks and months I hope to expand on each of those points. I will be doing so through various different ways - my campaign blog, myspace, facebook etc... Simply just choose your favourite option from the links below

My campaign blog

My facebook campaign group

The myspace campaign group

And lastly through this page right here! Please keep checking back for further information on my campaign, what I am up to, where I am in the country (oh yes, I travel!) and what stage I am at.

Your support is much appreciated and any questions, please do not hesitate to drop me a message.

My Interests

History, politics, horse riding, opera, classical music, partying, socialising, net working, conservatism, literature, having coffee with friends, shopping, traditional art,

I'd like to meet:

People with similar ideas and other candidates. One thing I am enjoying about this election is that I get on really well with the other candidates and we all seem to want the same thing, which is lovely. Hope we will all work together one day to make CF better.


Really into opera and classical but enjoy most other genres as well. Moby is good. =)


Anita and Me, Some Like It Hot (Luv Marilyn Monroe), Bridget Jones Diary 1 + 2, The Importance Of Being Earnest, Girl With A Pearl Earring (i have a thing for Colin Firth, can you tell? Lol.), The Addams Family, The Boys From Brazil, Schindlers List, The Pianist, White Chicks, Just Married, Gone with the Wind, Mr and Mrs Smith, The Wedding Crashers, Raising Helen, Along came Polly, Cold Mountain, Speed, Mona Lisa Smile, Mean Girls, Uptown Girls, Mousehunt, Troy,


Family Guy, Little Britain, Question Time, Jeremy Kyle (shhhh... I know it's bad, but it's just soooo good sometimes!), Sky News, Simpsons, My Family, Desperate Housewives, Friends,


Read LOADS, if I find myself a good history book I can sit for hours just reading. The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, Marie Antoinette: The Journey by Antonia Fraser - one of my favourite historians, Citizens - a Chronical of the French Revolution by Simon Schama, Reflections of the Revoulutions in France by Edmund Burke, Six Wives: The Queens of Henry VIII by David Starkey, Laughter in the Dark by Vladimir nabokov. Cut this list short by just saying I love all books by Nabokov, he is incredible.


Edmund Burke, my mum and dad, my friends - they love me even when I get it wrong, um... Colin Firth?

My Blog

Ask Anastasia, first question and answer uploaded

I have now posted my first response to the questions put to me through the "Ask Anastasia" project. I chose the following question to answer first, as it is not only something I feel CF really need to...
Posted by Anastasia on Tue, 22 Jan 2008 12:16:00 PST

Ask Anastasia; new project launched!

Following the release of my final proposal article the other week for my CF NME election campaign, I said I was far from done. I said I had a few more tricks up my sleeve. Well today, I am delighted t...
Posted by Anastasia on Tue, 22 Jan 2008 12:13:00 PST

David Coleman endorses my campaign

"I recently met Anastasia in Redhill while I was hosting a Conservative Future social to discuss and propose my plans for Surrey and I was impressed that she was prepared to travel into Surrey to atte...
Posted by Anastasia on Sun, 13 Jan 2008 06:52:00 PST

Teamwork proposal

This is the final article in my "four proposals" campaign concept. I have now spoken about communication, about activism, about union, and now teamwork. Following the release of this final proposal, I...
Posted by Anastasia on Tue, 08 Jan 2008 06:58:00 PST

Promises for 2008 - LGBTory, SVT, HCCF, CF NME etc...

2008 has been an exciting year for me on so many fronts. From January to May I worked with my local association, of which I was a committee member (Midlothian Conservative and Unionist Association) to...
Posted by Anastasia on Fri, 04 Jan 2008 03:29:00 PST


This last week or so for me, as been full of realisations, intrigue and questions. Today was the conclusion of all that for me and following a phone call this morning I have had to make some tough dec...
Posted by Anastasia on Fri, 04 Jan 2008 03:40:00 PST

Gerry Freedman endorses my campaign

"What exactly does the CF need at this moment in time? Someone with passion? Someone with strength of character? Principles? Or a belly of fire to take the fight to Labour and Liberals? I think that i...
Posted by Anastasia on Thu, 20 Dec 2007 03:05:00 PST

David Harris endorses my campaign

"Just before I head of to that 12 hour black tie (white-tie for me) ball in the GUU that is Daft Friday; followed by the inevitable skite depression and flight up North to the Hebrides, I thought I'd ...
Posted by Anastasia on Fri, 14 Dec 2007 11:36:00 PST

Castaways Alister Jack Cooling endorses my campaign

"I met Anastasia recently in Bristol where she and I were panellists for a local CF function and was impressed immediately by her determination to get her views across. After that, I wished to get to ...
Posted by Anastasia on Tue, 04 Dec 2007 10:22:00 PST

Unionist Approach

As it is probably widely known, I am Scottish.  I grew up in Scotland and up until June this year, I was involved with the Scottish Conservative Party, as well as Conservative Future Scotland.&nb...
Posted by Anastasia on Fri, 30 Nov 2007 11:54:00 PST