Inca-cola. mail. deadly marine life. pick-up sticks. jigsaw puzzles. warm weather. being at the beach and in foreign places. plants+palm trees. crazy people. cyclops. nj. pets. photos. swinging on the swings. honesty. buildings. writing letters. dreams. humor. the surreal & the for real. fast cars. making up stuff. fooling you.
a genie
90s hiphop
top secret. shining. blue velvet. stranger than paradise. true romance. better off dead. the city of lost children. the goonies. the apple. the big lebowski. rushmore. la jete. office space.
Seinfeld re-runs. Bob Ross. YES.
popup books, illustrated medical books, sticker books, art books, blank books, aya takano, the mysteries of harris burdick, ...for dummies, rebus, Anything by Stephen Hawking (He so smart, he knows stuff that I couldn't)